Home » Rookie Blue, TV Series Reviews » Rookie Blue Season 2 Episode 9 Review & Watch: Brotherhood

Adding some horses in the story made “Brotherhood” interesting. Why? Find out below.

TV Fanatic: It was time for equine training on Rookie Blue and those horses made things interesting for our officers, as “Brotherhood” brought loyalties into question and feelings to the surface.

This episode wasn’t quite so Andy-centric, but it was satisfying nevertheless. Andy was working on her lone wolf status as she turned down her riding instructor when he hit on her. It was a smart move. She needed the time to clear her head and the training got her away from both Luke and Sam.

Although… did you catch that lingering look at the station when Frank made them turn to the person next to them and remind themselves that that person deserved their best? Andy practically blushed and Sam couldn’t take his eyes off her.

I always appreciate having at least one good Sandy moment per episode.

Elsewhere, Noelle kept running from poor Frank. How could she say they didn’t need to talk about it when she’s the one who brought it up? I know, she was trying to avoid getting dumped before their relationship even got started, but it looked like Frank had other plans. Apparently the man knows how to kiss.

Mary found an interesting way to prevent a murder: she called in a bomb threat. Her boyfriend’s gang affiliation really sent Swarek’s radar spinning. And didn’t he and Ollie make the best partners? I could watch an entire hour of just the two of them sitting in a car.

Loved how Traci was the one to pick up that Mary was pregnant. Once you’ve been there the symptoms become glaringly obvious.

What I really appreciated was how Jerry backed Traci. Even though he thought Mary was lying about her motives, he didn’t dismiss Traci’s take on it. He told her she was a good cop and to go with her instincts. I was never Jerry’s biggest fan but my opinion of him just skyrocketed.

Then, we got to Dov and Gail. First, I loved the way she poked at him for being a mini-Swarek. So true and very funny.

I was expecting something different from this storyline. When Dov took too many pain pills, I thought his irresponsibility would put Gail in danger, but they went in a totally different direction.

The look on Gail’s face when Dov told her that the only problem with his perfect girlfriend was that she wasn’t Gail was priceless. Then, he rambled on about them getting married and Christmas morning with their blonde kids and you could tell Gail couldn’t believe her ears.

I was wondering if Dov would remember any of it but it looked like he did and now that’s a moment he can’t take back. Once you’ve said something like that out loud, everything changes, whether you want it to or not.

From there… oh, poor Chris. His old friend just got done using him and shattering his trust when he walked up on a moment between Dov and Gail. Not that they were really doing anything but the looks on their faces spoke volumes.

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