Home » Alcatraz, TV Series News » Alcatraz Season 1 News: Most Notorious Prison

Here is a great news for J.J. Abrams and Lost fanatics like me.

We just learned that Fox has given the green light to four new shows and has dropped five from its schedule next season. One of those projects that has the green light, is Alcatraz, based on one of the most notorious prisons ever to be built.

The drama developed by J.J. Abrams, will focus on a group of guards, convicts and workers who disappear from the famed jail without a trace in the 1960’s, only to re-appear in the present day. Upon their return, it becomes up to the FBI and a lone female cop to track down the group and figure out what happened to them all of those years ago.

This show is so promising. Fox did a great job adding Alcatraz on its lineup. I hope this series will last for several seasons. What’s your take?

You can check Alcatraz Season 1 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.