Home » The Big Bang Theory, TV Series Reviews » Big Bang Theory Season 4 Episode 20 Review: The Herb Garden Germination

I’ll personally call episode 20 of The Big Bang Theory the “Gossip Show.” On “The Herb Garden Germination,” we saw how Amy, Bernadette and Priya joined the circle of friends of the cast with their funny gossip sharing, being a gossip subject and conducting the gossip experiment.

TV Fanatic: The use of gossip to show the interconnectedness of the group ended up being quite funny. At first, I was worried that the Howard-Bernadette gossip was going to end up resolving in the overdone manner of someone mentioning it at the wrong time.

But, Howard never heard the gossip. The episode and gossip theme worked for me when the story instead lead to the experiment by Amy and Sheldon. That created some funny moments, especially when Leonard was using the gossip to try and get Sheldon to tell him what happened with Amy without specifically mentioning the gossip.

And, Amy being on skype listening – perfect.

The humor on this show usually is tied into the characters love of technology, science fiction and other geekery. I appreciated this episode, because it revolved around a common issue – gossip, yet it was handled in a manner unique to this specific social circle.

One complaint I have about the show is the lack of continuity between episodes. Last week, Leonard and Priya weren’t getting along all that well, but this week everything seemed fine. In some ways, they seemed better than fine.

When they were in the bathroom together, I saw them as a couple and for the first time liked them together. I never thought I would, regardless I still think Leonard and Penny will end up back together.

It was nice to see Penny around Leonard without them being concerned about Priya. When the two of them were taking the long walk up the stairs, I actually forgot that they weren’t dating anymore. As different as they are, they just mesh perfectly.

The only part I didn’t find funny was the opening scene with Sheldon and Amy.

It went on too long. By the end, I thought I was watching two robots spout boring scientific jibberjabber to each other. While I do enjoy this pairing, too much of it is not a good thing.

I’m not sure what to make of Howard and Bernadette’s engagement. After their failed trial run living together, it seemed a bit odd that Howard would propose and that she would accept. However, the idea of their wedding and married life seems exciting. I hope we’ll see Howard’s mother on the wedding, just a wish.

You can find The Big Bang Theory Season 4 reviews and spoilers HERE.