Home » The Big Bang Theory, TV Series Reviews » Big Bang Theory Season 4 Episode 19 Review & Watch: The Zarnecki Incursion

To settle things first, I just want to say that I’ve never played World of Warcraft. But despite that fact, I still found episode 19 of The Big Bang Theory “The Zarnecki Incursion” a funny one.

I love the dueling situations of the guys (and Priya) in one apartment, while the girls were in the other.

TV Fanatic: I know that not everyone likes the addition of Bernadette and Amy as regulars on the show, but I find that they provide a nice counterbalance to Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj.

Now, Priya… she can go. She’s there simply as a barrier to a Leonard/Penny relationship and, I hope, to be the impetus that gets them back together. In that regard, I don’t mind her, but I’ve had enough and I’m ready to see her leave California. Unlike Penny, Priya doesn’t understand the world in which the guys live. This distinction was clear by their short encounter in the hall after Penny dropped off the day-old pie to Sheldon.

The quest to get Sheldon’s World of Warcraft stuff back was a little weak to me, as it seemed like it had been done before. The confrontation at the door reminded me of when Leonard and the guys went to Penny’s ex-boyfriend Kurt’s to get the money he owed her in “The Financial Permeability” and failed.

Moreover, the scenes in the car weren’t that much better. I’m pretty sure they have done the broken down car thing before; if not, it is still an overused plot device. That said, there were a few funny moments. I loved that the “Beyonce’s Bootylicious Dance Mix” turned out to be Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries.” And Sheldon bringing his collector Klingon bat’leth to the door was so Sheldon.

Overall, I love this episode since the casts are all present. The humor is there and the online game theme idea is just brilliant. What do you think?

You can find The Big Bang Theory Season 4 reviews and spoilers HERE.