Home » The Big Bang Theory, TV Series Reviews » Big Bang Theory Season 4 Episode 16 Review & Watch: The Cohabitation Formulation

Guess what? We have a complete cast in this episode including Bernadette, Amy and a visitor Priya. Aside from that, we got an over protective brother in the person of Raj and a seemingly promising relationship for Leonard and Pria. Indeed, “The Cohabitation Formulation,” is a good The Big Bang Theory Episode.

I didn’t find much about the Howard/Bernadette story to be that funny. Not that it’s really all that shocking, but the more we witness exactly how co-dependent Howard and his mother are, the more uncomfortable it becomes for me. You’d think Bernadette would be sent screaming for the hills. It did manage, though, to serve up a few classic exchanges between Howard and his mother, particularly over fancy sex diseases.

On the other hand, Raj’s sister being back in town promised good times for Leonard, but sent Raj into a frenzy trying to forbid (forbade? forbode?) them from having a relationship. Unfortunately, Leonard continues to be the straight man/lame duck of the group, not once uttering a line worthy of a chuckle, but lovable Raj is always good for a laugh, especially when he gets riled up – and works references to his culture into the debate.

The best part about Leonard’s forbidden romance, though, was listening to both Sheldon and Amy react to the situations around them.

I loved how Sheldon was able to take his surprisingly vast knowledge of Hindu traditions and twist it around into a gibe at Leonard, but completely oblivious to how rude it was. This is what I enjoy most about Sheldon’s character, that he doesn’t realize his complete lack of understanding of social protocols and decorum, yet still comes off endearing to the audience. So much better than when he’s belligerently caustic and condescending for no apparent reason.

Amy also shone brightly as she attempted to comfort her “bestie,” who was so obviously burying her emotions over Leonard and Priya. Her description of why Priya makes a better mate for Leonard than Penny (“She comes from the culture that literally wrote the book on neat ways to have sex!”) , and her giddiness over finding Priya “an absolute delight” made me laugh rather unexpectedly. I think I’m starting to cozy up to Amy a bit.

Everytime Penny is played as a backboard off of which Sheldon or Amy bounce their wacky basketballs of complete social ineptitude, The Big Bang Theory scores a three-pointer.

I really love this show when they have all of the cast working together and bringing some fun.

What do you think?

You can find The Big Bang Theory Season 4 reviews and spoilers HERE.