Home » TV Series Reviews » Hellcats Season 1 Episode 12 Review & Watch: Papa, Oh Papa

After the very long break, Hellcats returned with “Papa, Oh Papa” and good for the series, this episode is so good!

TV Fanatic: The focus was pretty divided throughout the hour. We got to see more of Alice and her relationship with her father, as well as Marti and Savannah working things out. The latter was a little cheesy, but that’s what we have grown to expect from our favorite CW shows.

I felt bad for Alice. Watching her interact with her father lets you understand why she is the way she is. I was wondering where the strong character was I had seen on “Back of a Car,” but she appeared later on. Although I am not usually a fan of dragging in family stories when they are not needed, I would like to see this one play out.

Marti and Savannah finally made up after their pillow fight. Yes, you read that right, a pillow fight. It was corny, but somehow it worked.

I like these two battling side-by-side instead of against each other. Savannah told Marti the issue with Charlotte, so hopefully that storyline will move along. Considering Charlotte’s squad was in first place going into competition, I figured we would at least see her. For some reason, the Cyclones were nowhere to be found. A little odd.

I was skeptical about Wanda going to see Travis, seeing that I am not a huge fan of the latter’s arc. Although, I am thinking I can get on board if something plays out between these two.

Now, I can’t be positive, but I am pretty sure that the woman playing Kelly was Christine Lakin of Step by Step fame. The character wasn’t listed on IMDB or on The CW site, but it looked a lot like her. Anyone agree?

There have been several weeks that I was disappointed with the lack of cheerleading, but “Papa, Oh Papa” managed to make me forget. The routine was flawless and required serious talent. As someone who was a part of competitive cheerleading, I have experience when I say this. Awesome stuff. Those few minutes may look like they go by fast, but they are brutal. Kudos to the actors and stunt team once again.

So what do you think on this comeback episode?

You can also check Hellcats Reviews and Spoilers HERE.