Home » The Big Bang Theory, TV Series Reviews » Big Bang Theory Season 4 Episode 8 Review & Watch: The 21-Second Excitation

Finally, the most awaited Sheldon-Wil rematch! Although it was not a rematch in terms of them competing again, I can say that Sheldon won this time as he got and escaped with the reel of Raiders of the Lost Ark! Awesome! Plus, add the Amy – Penny showdown, this is definitely one of the best this season.

TV Fanatic: Add Wil Wheaton into the mix and how can you lose with a story like that?  Oh, and it gets better: Penny is not only back, but she has a slumber party with Bernadette and Amy, who have both been promoted to series regulars.

So with great storylines and amazing comedic setups, how could “The 21-Second Excitation” be anything short of hilarious?

Unfortunately, despite all the funny references to Indiana Jones – like calling Leonard “Short Round” and the guys being chased out of the movie theater, a la Indy’s retreat to the seaplane – the humor just wasn’t there in the main story.

As for the slumber party, that really comes down to what side of the camp you are on Amy.  With Sheldon out of the scene, Amy clearly took over that character’s role, trying her best to play off Penny and Bernadette.

Personally, I’m torn on Amy.  I liked the concept of her when she was first introduced at the end of season three.  But now that we’ve had for nearly half a season, her character just comes across as a mean female Sheldon that delivers her lines in a flat, dull way.  There’s truly only one Jim Parsons.

Do some of her lines make me laugh?  Absolutely.  One of my favorites was Penny telling her to wear something comfortable and her response of: “Then I need to go shopping.”   Or even Amy announcing that she and Bernadette won Truth or Dare.

Pretty much the quicker and more basic her quotes are, the better.  It’s when she goes into the longer diatribes that only Sheldon can pull off that her character falls flat.

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