Home » Movie Review » The Social Network Movie Review

TSL Rating: 4.8 / 5.0

This movie is a real surprise for me. Before, I see this movie as a lame one because its plot focuses on the creation of Facebook. I didn’t find anything interesting on that subject matter before. I even asked myself, will it be like Pirates of Silicon Valley? But surprisingly, The Social Network turned out to be one of my favorites this year.

The story involving Mark Zuckerberg, Sean Parker, Eduardo Saverin and others is simply interesting and engaging. Plus seeing Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake and Andrew Garfield ‘s razor-sharp performances makes the movie experience almost close to perfection!

About the story, the approach is in a unique way. It doesn’t follow the usual continuous flow story approach, rather it includes flashbacks on the events pertinent to the current scene. Also, I was never bored while watching this movie. But I was disappointed when it ended in an instant maybe because I was already engaged, being a programmer therefore I can relate, and I know there are still more stories to tell.

If you are a Facebook user, you must watch this movie! If you are a programmer, well here is another college-dropout-who-becomes-billionaire-story that you must see. If you are an ordinary movie critic or fanatic, here is a perfect movie that is worth your money!

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