Home » Movie Review » Resident Evil: Afterlife Movie Review

TSL Rating: 3.4 / 5.0

At one point, I asked myself, “Am I watching The Matrix?” Yes, you’ll really ask yourself if you are watching Matrix 4 or the one which you have paid for, Resident Evil: Afterlife. So if you are interested on how will Matrix look like in 3D, this movie can give you a sneak peek.

About the main characters, I have no problem with Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter and Wentworth Miller. I think what causes the movie to be an ordinary one is again, the story. One thing that producers should think is that if there is nothing good to add up on a movie franchise then end it right away. The problem with Resident Evil is that the two last installments are disappointments. The story is flat. Again, the stunts and action scenes are so good but the story is the suspect of the disappointment.

Others say that it is gory. Oh but MTRCB did their job again cutting some scenes which are obvious. You’ll see a gun pointed in the head then suddenly the victim is on the floor already. What a cut!

On the FX, I guess it is just normal. I’m not really impressed on how this movie appeared on 3D so maybe you can opt to watch 2D. To summarize, watch this movie to be entertained especially on the stunts but do not expect other than that.

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