
Archive for the ‘Off The Map’ Category


“A Doctor Time Out” is a more personal episode for Off the Map. I don’t know but I think this episode lacks something. The story is not that good and I got a little bit bored somewhere in the middle but I guess the series will bounce back on the fourth episode. Hopefully.

The dynamic between Ben and Lily continued to evolve as Lily’s hero worship crumbled. I was a little surprised Lily was so angry with Ben for lying to Sidney.

Was he really suppose to tell the panicky women in the middle of her c-section that her husband was dying on the side of the road and there was nothing they could do about it?

Seems to me he made the right call. With Lily still dealing with her fiance’s death she could only relate to Sidney’s pain and not the bigger picture.

I’m liking Ryan more and more with each episode. She sees the chemistry between Ben and Lily yet never appears openly jealous. I suppose that’s because she realizes there’s an even bigger obstacle for Ben’s affections.

After telling Lily to go easy on Ben because he lost his own wife and child years ago, we witness Ryan crawl into bed next to a sleeping Ben. When he mumbles the name Abby in his sleep (I’m assuming that’s his wife) Ryan doesn’t move but her face is the picture of sadness.

Tommy stepped it up in this week. He and Ryan made a good team in the field. My favorite part was when he didn’t let Lily push him aside when he knew he needed to speak to a grieving Sidney. The Tommy from episode one may have walked away.

Mina still cracks me up. She is so lost that it would be sad to watch if it weren’t so comical. When she chastised Jorge I didn’t know if I wanted to laugh or smack her.

He’s been electrocuted, suffers from third degree burns, has an enlarged spleen and may die and her only response to his lamenting not getting the name of his lost love is “Well that was dumb.” Seriously? I’m hoping they manage to have Mina become more human without losing her dry, sarcastic wit.

I wanted to see more of Otis and Zee. Does anyone else think that when Otis tells her he’s not the jealous type she’s wishing he were?  Just a little.

So did you like this episode?

You can check Off The Map Season 1 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.



I am a great fan of Grey’s Anatomy and I think Off The Map is really the jungle version of the former show.
The second episode is a great one especially the anaconda scene. The snake is a bit fake but all I like is the storyline.

“Smile. Don’t Kill Anyone” was more fun than I expected, even given the origin of the title – the text Lily’s fiancé sent her just before he was hit by a car and killed.

I completely understand Lily holding onto that text for months but it was nice that Ben helped her realize she didn’t need to hold onto it forever.

I found the anaconda storyline both light-hearted and horrifying.

I had nightmares about giant snakes as a kid so that may explain my horrified reaction but it was fun to see the doctors take it all in stride. When they were crossing the river I kept wondering if the snake would react to the water and swim away.

It was unfortunate for the patient that I was right.

The proposal scene just before surgery was sweet. I wonder if every episode of Off The Map will have at least one heartfelt moment like this.

Mina is still my favorite character.  She gets some of the best lines in the show.

I loved her growing annoyance with Ryan’s bubbly personality. Yet, I also enjoyed it when Ryan put her in her place after Bruno died. Whereas Tommy has a problem dealing with cultural differences, Mina simply has a problem relating to people.

As for Tommy, I found his story the least entertaining. I’m no medical expert, but I find it hard to believe he could make that girl’s scar disappear in one afternoon no matter how brilliant his plastic surgery skills.

I’m also hoping we get to see more of Otis and Zee soon. I wish we could have followed along on their walk on the beach.

Are there any medical professionals out there who can tell me if I’m correct about Tommy’s scar surgery? Should Lily have ditched her phone? How long do you think it will be before we see a Ben and Lily hookup? Or do you think he’ll end up back with Ryan?

Honestly, I just hope that there will be no lesbian relationship in this show. Leave that to Grey’s Anatomy please!

You can check Off The Map Season 1 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.