
Archive for the ‘Chuck’ Category


On Episode 21 of Chuck titled “Chuck Versus The Wedding Planner,”  Chuck and Sarah will enlist the latter’s father and con the CIA on order to catch a thief.

Here are the episode 21 guide of Chuck:

  • When Chuck and Sarah get conned out of their wedding money, there is only one man they can turn to for help — Sarah’s conman father, Jack Burton (guest star Gary Cole).
  • Morgan pressures Casey to face Alex’s (guest star Mekenna Melvin) mother.
Episode 21 of Chuck airs on April 18.
You can check other Chuck Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Here is the episode 20 “Chuck vs. the Family Volkoff” spoiler.

Guide: In order to save the life of a former ally, Chuck must join forces with his greatest foe – Linda Hamilton, Lauren Cohan, Mekenna Melvin, and Timothy Dalton.

Here are the other things to expect:

  • A bad day gets worse when Sarah throws Chuck a surprising relationship curveball as the CIA orders Vivian Volkoff (guest star Lauren Cohan) assassinated.
  • In order to prove Vivian’s innocence, Chuck must put his trust in a dangerous ally – her father Alexei Volkoff (guest star Timothy Dalton).
  • Meanwhile, Ellie suspects that her mother (guest star Linda Hamilton) is interfering with the search into her father’s past.

“Chuck vs. the Family Volkoff” will be aired on April 11.

You can check other Chuck Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Chuck is currently on a hiatus. But we still have some updates for you!

With Chuck taking a prolonged absence from NBC (new episodes return on April 11), Michael Ausiello asked executive producer Chris Fedak if he could at least tease viewers with an upcoming, significant development.

Referring to the season’s May 9 episode, he acquiesced and eerily teased: “Something terrible happens to someone we love.”

Might this piece of casting news be related to that spoiler?

The series is seeking an actor to come on board as Clyde Decker. The network describes this character as a “determined and remorseless CIA agent who will go to any lengths and spare no expense – or life – in order to keep the CIA’s secrets buried.”

So who is that “someone” being pertained to? Any ideas?

You can check other Chuck Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Episode 19 of Chuck “Chuck Versus the Muuurder,” in my opinion, is another disappointing episode. If my memory serves me right, this is already the third consecutive episode which I don’t like. So what happened?

According to TV Fanatic, Chuck acting in the role of the Butler in some instances, and then as whoever thinks they solved the mystery in others, was humorous, but the rest of the gag was a bit tiresome. It was literally the same old story. The characters are in a dark enclosed place and the killer ends up being the absolute last person they expect it to be.

If the whole purpose of the episode was to show that Chuck was now the leader of Team Bartowski, I’m okay with the end result. Because not only has Chuck proven himself to be a real spy at this point, but he kinda is worthy of being the leader of this squad. That is a difficult thing to say if you think about where he was a few years ago. And the idea that Sarah and Casey would be okay with him as a leader is even more surprising.

With Castle locked down as the Team tried to figure out who the killer was, Morgan was unable to help in any spy duties. Instead, he got to lead the B story with his fellow Buy Morians in their war against the Large Mart crew. While most of the material dealing with the Large Mart’s pig, Kevin Bacon, was rather lame, it did allow for Jeff to recite this gem of knowledge on us all…

“If you love something, let it go.  And if it comes back, you can eat it.”

Words of wisdom from Jeff Barnes. Also, among the fray of the prank war was Big Mike doing his best to let everyone know how good Subway’s new breakfast sandwiches are. I don’t know who is ever against product placement because every time the people at Chuck mention the greatness of Subway, I find it hilarious. That slow motion first pump with the Subway sandwich in the other hand by Big Mike made this episode.

And, finally, we had Captain and Mrs. Awesome. Devon really has become a pretty big worry wort over the past few seasons, so I didn’t expect him to keep this new secret from Chuck. I guess he, like Ellie, was too intrigued by what they were finding on the Orion computer to let Chuck take it away so quickly.

But what was that final scan doing to Ellie’s brain? Like I predicted last week, was it making Ellie a new intersect?  Or was the computer doing something completely different?

I am already tired of watching substandard Chuck episode. C’mon bring back the Chuck standard that we all love!

You can check other Chuck Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Episode 18 of Chuck “Chuck Versus the A-Team” answers a lot of questions, but on the contrary, it poses another batch of queries!

TV Fanatic: Morgan Grimes getting tranqed will always be humorous, but leaving him drugged on Casey’s recliner for the entire episode really tied the show’s hands. You can’t expect a great hour of Chuck without the comedic stylings of Morgan Guillermo Grimes.

Even without Morgan for a majority of the episode, comedy was still the only aspect of the Chuck Triple Threat that even decided to show up this week. Between Morgan admitting that he drank no water so that he would not wet himself, Chuck making fun of CBS and all of their CSI-type shows, and the disarming of a nuclear bomb using just fruit juice… there were enough laughs to get by.

The only action scenes were the two times the Gretas took out the bad guys in five seconds, and then when Chuck disarmed the bomb. Not all that exciting. And heart? I found no moments worthy of mentioning as heartfelt. A really disappointing performance by the Chuck Triple Threat and the episode suffered because of it.

What “Chuck Versus the A-Team” did have, though, were answers to two major questions:

  • What the heck is the point of these stupid Gretas? We finally found out that they were the agents trying out to be the next intersects, and if this is the last we see of the Gretas, I’m happy with how their arc unfolded. It made sense that there were so many of them coming in and out of the Buy More and it made sense why there were all so dry and robotic. Was all the confusion worth it in the end? Probably not, but at least it wasn’t a disappointing conclusion, especially because most people thought there was absolutely no point to the Gretas whatsoever.
  • What the heck was Casey up to behind that wall? We learned he had a new team handed to him by Robin Givens’ character, and it was made up of the best Gretas. I completely agree with the Isaiah Mustafa choice, but I would much rather have seen Summer Glau or Olivia Munn return as the female Greta. It was also pleasing to see that Casey had been doing missions with his new team behind Chuck and Sarah’s backs. That’s worthy of a secret. The even bigger secret, though, was that these two Gretas were given Intersects of their own!
  • The fact that there were these two new intersects was great for this episode in that it helped show that Chuck Bartowski is more than just a computer in the brain.  

He proved that when the first Greta couldn’t stop herself from shooting the target because her computer told her that was what she should do; then again when the second Greta stopped trying to disarm the bomb because his computer told him it couldn’t be done. Chuck is more than just a computer, and knows how to use his Intersect so well, that he disarmed the bomb and saved the day.

Overall, this episode is a total entertainment. I didn’t expect too much, that’s why I just got what I expected.

You can check other Chuck Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Episode 18 of Chuck “Chuck Versus the A-Team” will showcase a secret that may split up the team.

Here are other spoilers for episode 18 of Chuck:

  • Chuck (Zachary Levi) and Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) investigate when they suspect that Casey (Adam Baldwin) is carrying out private missions.
  • Chuck fears that the CIA’s seemingly-perfect new operatives (guest stars Isaiah Mustafa and Stacy Keibler) will render him obsolete.
  • Morgan settles in with a new roommate, and Awesome (Ryan McPartlin) panics when Ellie (Sarah Lancaster) embarks on a potentially dangerous line of research.
So any comments on this secret?
You can check other Chuck Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Episode 19 of Chuck “Chuck Versus The Muuurder” promises a murder of a spy in a castle. However, no big mystery now is the identity of the suspect.

Here are some other episode 19 spoilers for Chuck:

  • Chuck is put in charge of a top-priority mission, but his leadership skills are pushed to the limit when there is a murder in Castle.
  • Awesome (Ryan McPartlin) takes on a mission of his own when Ellie finds an alarming new hobby.
  • Morgan’s leadership is also tested when his Buy More troops wage war against Large Mart.
  • Yvonne Strahovski, Scott Krinsky, Vik Sahay, Mark Christopher Lawrence and Bonita Friedericy also star.
So with these spoilers, what do you expect of this episode?
You can check other Chuck Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Viewers have different opinions after watching episode 17 of Chuck entitled “Chuck Versus the First Bank of Evil.” So what’s yours?

According to TV Fanatic, the question of whether Vivian Volkoff will remain good or turn evil immediately returned to the forefront. As she played up her devious side at the bank, she proved to Pierre Chang* that she was more like her father than he originally thought. She also proved the same to herself and the audience.

After Mr. Volkoff’s Lawyer – played by yet another television staple, Ray Wise – got to Vivian and warned her not to trust Chuck and the CIA, the young heiress had much more to ponder. The fact that he told her he was the only one who could tell her what she wanted to know about her dad made it that much easier of a choice.

So, as the episode concluded with her in the limo, attorney by Vivian’s side, the question hung around: will she turn to the dark side?

Another storyline that began last week and continued into “Chuck Versus the First Bank of Evil” was that of Casey and his secret mission with Robin Givens. Meh. The only joy I got from it was discovering Morgan’s go-to move to pretend he’s a spy: talking into his watch.

Now that we’ve gotten some of those plot-related details out of the way, let’s take a look at how the Chuck Triple Threat played out this week. But, first, put on your best outfit from the J-Crew For Spies…

The conversation begins and ends with the fantastic bank robbery by Chuck and Sarah. With the random shooting, the sweet flips, and, of course, the sunglasses and leather, it was all I could ask for. Other than that, there was Vivian taking out the lawyer with a knife and a vase.

Let’s first mention what didn’t work. For the first substantial action in three or four weeks, Jeff and Lester really didn’t come to play. This renaissance love affair just made it seem like the writers had run out of interesting thing to have these guys do. Roping Morgan into their story for the first half of the episode proved once again that the bearded wonder is much better on spy missions than hanging around the Buy More.

Speaking of Mr. Grimes, he had a couple of gems. A couple of my favorites: leading with the beard on his apartment listing, but then realizing he should use it as a pleasant surprise; joking about not putting a TV in his new apartment.

She’s been getting in on the laughs more and more these days, but it’s always surprising to see Sarah crack me up. She did it here while trying on wedding dresses, especially when sticking her tongue out in disgust. She was also hilarious as she talked to Chuck so sweetly about feeling magical in her dress, then immediately screaming at a bank customer to get down on the ground before she blows their freakin’ head off! Great stuff.

There was yet another nice moment between Ellie and Sarah, as the former explained to the latter that at some point the wedding was going to feel magical. And when we saw that moment, it was truly magical. As Sarah muttered “we’re getting married” to herself, cracked a smile, and began to tear up, everyone but John Casey was feeling emotional. It never isn’t awesome to see Sarah Walker feel like a princess.

With this episode, I hope Chuck will bring us something better next week.

You can check other Chuck Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


The season 4 episode 17 of Chuck, “Chuck Versus The First Bank Of Evil,” is promised to be exciting as Chuck and Sarah plan the ultimate heist at a high-security bank. Any other events? Read below.

Other episode 17 spoilers:

  • Chuck pushes Vivian McArthur (guest star Lauren Cohan) to get in touch with her inner villain for a mission.
  • Sarah tries to get in touch with her inner bride as wedding plans ramp up.
  • Morgan’s search for a new roommate takes an unexpected turn.
  • Adam Baldwin, Sarah Lancaster, Scott Krinsky, Vik Sahay, Mark Christopher Lawrence and Bonita Friedericy also star.

These upcoming events are interesting. What do you think?

You can check other Chuck Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


It’s better late than never.

Obviously, Chuck’s Valentine’s episode is one week late. Nevertheless, “Chuck Versus the Masquerade” is fantastic so I think you should still watch the same. So what can you expect? All I can say is that this week’s episode is one of the best standalone episodes this season.

Vivian is the heir to the Volkoff empire, but what will that mean moving forward? Will she be the next big bad? Or will she actually assist Team Bartowski?  Maybe this leads to a reunion between Daddy and Daughter Volkoff by the end of the season.  I definitely won’t complain about a return of Timothy Dalton.

It had long-term implications, but “Chuck Versus the Masquerade” also worked quite well on its own. Put on your lingerie with wings and then we can take a look at how the Chuck Triple Threat played out…

Not much this week. A couple of highlights were Chuck turning into his best Nastia Liukin impression on the uneven bars as he took out the men chasing Vivian, as well as Chuck driving the getaway car while Sarah stood up through the sun roof, shooting down bad guys left and right.

And when Sarah got knocked off her horse, we had Casey coming in to save the day. What I wondered after this scene is if this event would make Casey feel like he was a more important cog in the Team Bartowski wheel, or if he was important enough to lead his own team. It had become clear that Casey was simply doing a lot of busy work for Team Bartowski, which has led to him becoming the best TV bartender since Sam Malone.

So when the NCS agent asked him to come and head up his own team for her, I’m sure it made everyone a little nervous.

When Casey responded to her request with “I’m not leaving Burbank” and she retorted that he doesn’t have to, I got plenty anxious that Casey may be exciting the group for a while.

Other than a minute or so, we were without Jeff, Lester and Big Mike once again.  It was definitely okay, though, because every other cast member had his/her moment.

Let’s start with the newest member of the group. Alex joining Morgan in the wacky, blind folded, sitting on the floor, rubbing chocolate on each other moment was unbelievably cute and hilarious.

I don’t know how funny it was supposed to be, but because it was surprisingly the first time I had heard it out loud, Casey calling Chuck and Sarah “Charah” had me rolling on the floor.  I never pictured him one for the mash-up couple nickname.

The new mommy and daddy were going a little crazy with baby Clara, but thankfully they found a song that put her to sleep. Watching Ellie and Awesome go even more insane because of said song, was in fact, awesome!

Chuck and Morgan had plenty of hysterical moments, as usual. Between all of the Valentine’s Day set up and Morgan moving out, Zach Levi and Josh Gomez continued to prove to be a fantastic comedic team. My personal favorite from Morgan was when he asked Beckman if the party on the mission had a theme, and that he referred to her as G.B.!!! Can you give a General a nickname like that?

But it was Sarah that was once again surprisingly funny. It’s happening with much more frequency these days, but every time Yvonne Strahovski makes me laugh, it is kind of a shock. I always think of her as the hot ass-kicking Sarah, but the lingerie with attached wings, and her awkward “hanging” with Morgan, were hilarious.

The heartfelt moments here were between our two favorite nerds. I’m a sucker for platonic friendships that seem like romantic relationships, so Morgan moving out of Chuck’s apartment was pretty great. Them deciding whether or not to split up their Han Solo and Chewbacca collectibles was even better.

The continuous metaphor of those Star Wars dolls being like Chuck and Morgan made every one of those scenes perfect. But, unlike Han and Chewey, Chuck and Morgan aren’t going to stay together forever. Morgan is moving out to become a man, and Chuck and Sarah are going to live together like a real engaged couple. It’s a sad truth, but even Morgan Grimes has to grow up.

It is personal stories like this that sometimes get lost in the shuffle during stretches of long plot arcs, such as the Frost/Volkoff story we had earlier in the season. There was just so much going on in every one of those first 13 episodes that they didn’t have time to go into something like Morgan moving out from Chuck’s apartment shadow. Fortunately, that changed on this installment.

With this episode, I think Chuck is so far at its best.

What do you think?

You can check other Chuck Reviews and Spoilers HERE.