Home » The Vampire Diaries, TV Series Spoilers » The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Spoiler: More Details About Damon and Elena

Delena fans, you might want to check this article first before celebrating.

According to Vampire Diaries producer Kevin Williamson, yes, Elena and Damon will be together on season three of this CW smash. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be together.

“It’s not so much about, ‘Are Damon and Elena going to fall madly in love and live happily ever after?’” Williamson told TV Line. “It’s, ‘Are Damon and Elena going to be able to find the man they both love?’… It’s going to be fun to watch Damon and Elena form this relationship that at its core is about a search for the man they both care about.”

Look for Damon to struggle with the concept of heroism, Williamson added, while both he and Elena try to understand where they fit in.

“It’s about defining their roles,” said Williamson of the search for Stefan. “Are they going to be friends? Lovers? How are they going to define themselves? Because it will be a defining moment for both of them.”

In other season three news, expect a new villain to show up, one that puts Klaus to harmless shame.

What do you think of this one?

You can check other The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.

  • Anonymous