Home » Grey's Anatomy, TV Series Spoilers » Grey’s Anatomy Season 8 Spoiler: Premiere Cast and Story

Grey’s Anatomy will return this fall with promising season 8 premiere. If you want to know more about the said episode plus the cast to expect, read below.

Tara – daycare worker. Susan enters the daycare and is going to take Danny home. Tara tells her Danny has a visitor, and Susan sees John playing with Danny. Tara says that according to the pick-up infomation, Danny’s mom has him tonight.

Nicky (7-year-old) and EMT – Dr. Smith does mouth to mouth on Nicky in the ambulance. The EMT is assessing him. As Nicky struggles to breathe, Dr. Smith pulls out a scalpel and makes a long cut down the center of Nicky’s chest and the boy gasps and wakes up. Dr. Smith tells him he had a big fall and tries to comfort the scared boy.

Jerry (Nicky’s father) – Dr. Smith works on him as he wakes up. Jerry asks about his son and Dr. Smith tells him that because of his severe injuries, they’re going to take him to the OR immediately, and that he is one of the surgeons that’s going to take care of Nicky. (Next scene) Jerry asks if Nicky is out of surgery, and Dr. Smith says he was about to check on that. (Next scene) Jerry asks about Nicky and Dr. Smith tells him they’ll have to wait and see. Jerry wants to see him, but Dr. Smith says Nicky’s still in recovery and he’s not allowed to go in. Jerry says he can’t believe this happened. They were walking down the street when Nicky ran off. How can he get through the day when one minute to the next, his child can — Dr. Smith sees a wheelchair in the room and grabs it, telling Jerry to get in it, and that they’ll figure something out so Jerry can see his son. And he pushes Jerry out of the room.

Logan (new intern) – Dr. Smith sits next to a stack of paperwork when he is disturbed by a very new intern, Logan, who’s looking around frantically and talking to no one in particular. He thinks his patient is coding but is not sure. Dr. Smith asks about the patient’s rhythm, what the patient was doing when his eyes rolled back, etc, and Logan is unsure of his answers and is freaking out. The patient then looks like he’s not breathing, and Dr. Smith diagnoses the patient wih tension pneumothorax and tells Logan to get the biggest needle he can find.

So here are the season 8 premiere cast. Any comment?

You can check Grey’s Anatomy Season 8 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.