Home » TV Series Spoilers, White Collar » White Collar Season 3 Spoiler: Suspicions Between Peter and Neal

Based on the season 3 premiere of White Collar, the relationship of Neal and Peter isn’t going smooth after all. Suspicions are everywhere.

That might not change any time soon, creator Jeff Eastin tells TV Line, teasing “some pretty good twists and turns” to come over the next few weeks.

Nothing too dramatic or permanent will take place, though.

“We constantly have in mind that people like the show because of the relationship between Peter and Neal,” Eastin said. “So we work very hard to try to keep that, and not turn it into something so antagonistic that it’s not fun to watch.”

Peter, of course, is currently in possession of a partial manifest of the art on the Nazi U-boat. Look for this to serve as a way to help him relax over things with his partner, Eastin says.

“Peter may be still slightly concerned that Neal did it, but he feels like he’s got protection with the list.”

You can check White Collar Season 3 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.