Home » Grey's Anatomy, TV Series Spoilers » Grey’s Anatomy Season 8 Spoiler: April to Lose Her Virginity

This is an interesting news for April fanatics. The most prominent virgin on TV will lose her virginity on season 8 of Grey’s Anatomy. Who’s the lucky guy then? Let’s see what TV Guide says about this topic.

“I’ve heard that April will be getting some action next season,” Sarah Drew says, adding, “Justin Chambers is convinced it’s going to be Alex, but we have no idea.”

That wouldn’t be too surprising, given Alex’s track record (he’s slept with a lot of people at the hospital) and his new status (Lucy probably won’t be back).

So what do you think of this spoiler? Who will be the lucky guy?

You can check Grey’s Anatomy Season 8 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.