There is no formula in shooting a speeding train, a person on bike, a swimmer doing back-stroke in the pool, a dog running after a tennis ball, or cars speeding on the road. Subjects in motion are tricky to capture. The technique depends on how the photographer wishes to approach the subject. His artistic intent and the message he wishes to express play a big part on the technique of effect he should use to capture his subject. Here are some ways to approach subject in motion:

A Focused Subject, A Blurred Background

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A website called Digital Photography School shares two types of techniques in capturing motion. One of which is keeping the subject in focus while blurring the background. This is probably one of the most widely used techniques in taking photos of moving subject, yet is the trickiest one to perfect. This effect is achieved by locking the camera’s focus on the subject, then planning the camera in the direction of  he subject’s line of movement. This takes a lot of practice, as the photographer may not be able to keep the subject in the area of focus. Keeping your moving subject in the frame is tough. Lack of focus may be caused by panning too fast or too slow. You have to keep pace with your subject in order to get the shot you want. The best results in using this technique are achieved when you used tripod. Tripods have swiveling capabilities that allow you to pan smoothly. Handheld panning is difficult but possible. Gripping the camera tightly and keeping it in a balanced position(some cameras have an on-screen leveling system that serves as you guide in keeping your shots balanced), twist your upper body in the rate and direction of your moving subject without moving your lower body. This takes a lot of practice.


A Blurred Subject, A Focused Background

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This is the second technique cited in Digital Photography School Website. Say, you want to take a photo of moving train. You want the train to appear blurred to imply speed, but want to keep the background focused. A slow shutter speed is needed to achieved this effect. This is because you have to keep the shutter curtain open long enough for the image sensor to record or capture a “trail” or colors and/or lights to convey motion. Again, the best results are achieved using a tripod, so as to keep the inanimate background in focus at all times. This is true especially in shooting city streets at night. But if your shooting without a tripod, you have to make sure that you remain absolutely still the whole time the shutter curtain is open to avoid blurriness in the areas of photo that you intend to keep focus.

Keep All Elements in Focus


The technique is all about freezing movement and is commonly used in sports photography. For this, you will need a fast shutter speed. In low-light condition, using a fast shutter speed can be detrimental to the brightness of your image. Heightening the shutter speed means that you have to select a wider aperture setting (F/1.8 , F/2.5 , F/1.4) to allow more lights to enter when the shutter curtain opens. This makes the depth of field shallower, and may cause loss of focus in some areas in the frame. If you want all the elements in your photo to look sharp, one of the things a photographer should do is crank up the ISO. This technique is also used for what photographer called “decisive moments”. For sports photographers, it’s all about timing. Knowing the sport is also the key, since you have to know the exact moment to hit the shutter button when a basketball player is doing a lay-up, or when a batter hits the ball, or when boxer delivers a knock-out punch. Sometimes, it takes luck, but proper timing can also be achieved through constant practice.


Blurring Several Moving Elements


For artistic purpose, some photographers opt to blur several or all the moving elements in the scene. Oftentimes, it is use to imply fast movement or extreme speed. It may appear lazy to some traditional photographers, and artistry may seen an seem as an excuse to them, but some photos may actually convey their intended message better using such as technique.

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