
Archive for the ‘TV Series Spoilers’ Category


One of the most awaited events now on Grey’s Anatomy is the wedding of Callie and Arizona. After, Callie’s survival of the accident, everyone’s looking forward on how will the wedding turn out. Fans are also excited to know the persons included on the guests list. Will there be any surprise returnees? Well, read below.

According to E! Online, the following are the guests on the Calzona wedding:

Ashley A.: Callie. Arizona. Wedding. Spill.
The latest Grey’s Anatomy wedding airs in May, and it’s a bee-yoo-tiful girly ceremony. Bailey (Chandra Wilson) officiates, Teddy (Kim Raver) attends with trauma shrink James Tupper as her date (where’s pretty Scott Foley?!), plus Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) goes with Kepner (Sarah Drew), and Lexie (Chyler Leigh) goes with Jackson (Jesse Williams). Sorry, Slexie fans. And in another intriguing twist, Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) and Derek (Patrick Dempsey) are nowhere to be seen in the pews. Whatever could they be doing that’s more important than the Callizona wedding?

Are you expecting someone else?

You can also check Grey’s Anatomy Season 7 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


When we say that E.J.’s team members are about to leave a big impression on NCIS, you should interpret the same literally. Why? Because these individuals are literally huge.

Former NFL player Matthew Willig debuts tomorrow as agent Simon Cade, an Ivy Leaguer with a brain that’s just as intimidating as his towering presence (he’s 6’8″).

Cade joins the NCIS team to help with the Port-to-Port killer case. Between his character’s photographic memory and 160 IQ, what’s not to love? Well, Willig says …

“The power struggle between Gibbs and E.J. is there for who’s in charge and who’s going to take over the case. Then to have a couple of other people, E.J.’s team, come in to fully attack the case makes it even harder for the regulars,” Willig says.

“As the episodes go on and the team gathers and the plot intensifies, there’s definitely a feeling of ‘Wait, what’s going on? Are these guys are stealing our thunder?'” he tells EW.

“There’s that jealousy thing that starts to happen as the case unfolds.”

Not that Willig or fellow newcomer Alimi Ballard (above, left) are solely to blame. Why?

E.J.’s team and one of our favorite agents get off on the wrong foot, to say the least.

“[DiNozzo and Cade] have a fun and interesting opening scene. There are some items that sort of give away how big I am, and so there’s a little bit of comedy there.”

“When I come in, he’s sort of fooling around with my clothing that kind of give away how big I’ll be. It’s all in typical DiNozzo fashion,” Willig says, laughing.

Before you start to put these guys in the “Do not like because they’re new” pile, Willig says fans might be surprised at the dynamic between Cade and his partner.

“We’ve traveled around the world and become buds. We watch each other’s back. Much like the NCIS cast, we have that team aspect,” he says.

What can you say about this spoiler?

You can check NCIS Season 8 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Warning: Do not read below if you don’t want to be spoiled big time!

Episodes 18 & 19 are promised to be two of the most exciting episodes this season. So if you can’t wait and want to know what will happen then read below.

So since you are at this part, enjoy the spoilers!

Here are the spoilers for Episode 18 “The Kids Stay in the Picture.” This episode airs on April 18, 2011.

  • When the show comes back Blair hasn’t left her bedroom in a week because she’s “sick” and Dan has tried calling her once after the kiss but she never called him back.
  • Dan tells Eric that he kissed Blair and he doesn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing but that it was just a kiss. Eric suspects he likes her which he weakly denies.
  • Chuck calls Serena and asks her why Blair didn’t want to see him when he went to find her and Serena replies that it probably has something to do with her failed career aspirations.
  • Chuck decides that he has to help boost her professional self-esteem so that she will come back to him. He calls up Emmeline (the W lady who went to Bora Bora or whatever to follow her true love, she’s apparently back) and asks her to call Blair and request her assistance in this exclusive NYC powerful families photo shoot.
  • Blair is giddy to help at at the photo shoot she confides in Emmeline that she kissed someone and that kiss “changed” her.
  • Emmeline texts Chuck to let him know she’s kissed someone and is in love or something to that effect. Chuck then goes to Dan to ask him who Blair kissed assuming that he would know what guy from W she found a connection with. Dan asks why he thinks that he would know/what has he heard etc. Chuck tells him that Blair confided in a source that she kissed a boy and that it was life changing.
  • This stuns Dan and poor thing, gets his hopes up. Dan can’t really hide his shock and frankly awe at what Chuck has said and rambles on about how Chuck should maybe let Blair be happy with this new guy if she seems happy and that perhaps he’s done her enough harm (paraphrasing).
  • Chuck leaves with a smirk and phones someone (can’t remember who, maybe Emmeline) and says he knows who Blair kissed and asks for another favor, i.e. another scheme.
  • Later on Eric goes to visit Dan again and Dan is dressing up in a tux stating that someone called him to be a part of the photoshoot. Eric tells Dan that Blair is working the photoshoot and perhaps she set it up so that his status rises enough to date him.
  • Cut to the photoshoot. Blair asks Dorota to pack her new sexy lingerie etc because she’s going to finally be with the person she loves or whatever and Dorota thinks it’s Dan. Blair is shocked and says no, that Dan is a duck or something and Dorota says no more like a labrador, etc. and she tells her that they only kissed to determine whether they had feelings for each other and they didn’t. She wants to be with Chuck (fuzzy on these minute details)
  • Dan arrives at the photoshoot and Blair is bitchy to him and and Dan asks why since she wanted him here to which she looks over and sees Chuck staring at them. She realizes this is a Chuck’s scheme and tells Dan that Chuck knows. Blair confronts Chuck and says that yes they kissed but it meant nothing to either of them (Dan confirms this) and that all it did was make her realize that she wanted to be with Chuck.
  • Chuck admits that he asked Dan to come but only to show Blair that Dan doesn’t belong in “their world”.
  • Blair defends Dan and said that he is more mature than Chuck will ever be and that she in that instant realizes that Chuck hasn’t matured yet and may never be ready to be an adult and be worthy of her. She walks away.

Here are the spoilers for Episode 19 “Petty in Pink.” This episode airs on April 25, 2011.

  • Chuck and Blair have no interaction in the episode.
  • The Prince arrives in NYC and has a box delivered to Blair which contains the Roger Vivier shoe she left him in Paris.
  • Blair is giddy because he’s come to visit and he wants to see her but it has to be a secret since no one knows, esp his family, that he’s in NYC. Blair agrees to be discreet and they decide to meet at a dingy coffee house by NYU.
  • Meanwhile…Dan tells his Dad that he’s taken a job for Paris Match. Paris Match, a French magazine, has an exclusive scoop that the Prince is in NYC and they hire Dan to tail to him discover what he’s doing here.
  • Vanessa at the end of the previous episode left a voice message for Serena letting her know that Dan and Blair kissed.
  • Serena thinks Vanessa is lying but enlists her cousin Charlie to follow Dan just in case (Charlie and Serena were scrolling over Gossip Girl’s old posts and Charlie kept seeing that Dan and Blair were spotted all over the place. Serena believed it was all innocent and coincidence but either way sends her cousin to spy).
  • Charlie follows Dan to the NYU coffee shop who in turn had followed the Prince to the coffee shop.
  • Blair shows up and of course all Charlie sees is Dan enter followed by Blair. She informs Serena of what she’s seen.
  • Meanwhile in the coffee house Blair sees Dan and yells at him for being there and then informs him that she has a date with a Prince. Dan leaves but Charlie doesn’t see that.
  • Serena then turns up at the coffee house and sees that Blair is with the Prince and Blair tells her he’s secretly here to see her and that she has to keep it hush hush. Serena promises to and tells Charlie that she must have been mistaken and it wasn’t Dan with Blair.
  • Charlie decides to follow Dan because she knows she wasn’t mistaken.
  • The Prince tells Blair that his family found out he was there and that he can’t be seen with her because the family will know he came to see her. Blair tells him she has a plan.
  • Blair calls Dan and tells him its his fault for ruining her perfect date and he has to make it up to her .
  • Dan confesses he realized it was the Prince’s family that tipped off Paris Match that their son was in NYU and they were manipulating the magazine to find out if he was with Blair which was why he quit the gig.
  • Blair says he needs to help her by pretending to be with her at the Pink Party, stage a kiss so that the Prince’s butler sees it and then they will go away satisfied that he’s not with Blair.
  • Dan doesn’t think it is a good idea at all but Blair scoffs at it.
  • Blair takes him shopping to Paul Smith to find a pink tie and Charlie (who’s been following Dan) takes a pic of them together to form more evidence for Serena.
  • At the Pink Party the Prince and Blair arrive separately and yet are texting.
  • Charlie meanwhile is trying to convince Serena that Blair/Dan are an item but Serena says that she’s with the Prince and that is why she’s avoiding him. (that it’s secret romance 101) Charlie decides to flirt with Dan to see if it bothers Blair.
  • When the Prince’s butler comes for him at the party she grabs Dan to drag him upstairs for the fake kiss knowing the butler will follow to see with his own eyes.
  • Charlie follows both of them and records the kiss with her phone and sends it to gossip girl. Everyone’s phone at the party buzzes and all of them see it and look at Blair and Dan in horror. They both go running to find Serena.
  • Serena finds the Prince and tells him that this isn’t the first time she has used the Prince, that she did it in Paris too (bitter speak).
  • Dan and Blair corner Serena in her room and tell her that the kiss meant nothing and it was a cover for Blair’s relationship with the Prince. They also confess to hanging out since Christmas and that all they ever hid was their friendship. That yes they kissed twice but only the first time was to see if there was anything and both agreed that there was nothing there.
  • Serena was angry that both of them lied to her and after Dan leaves tells Blair something mean (can’t remember) and Blair retaliates that her friendship with Dan has nothing to do with Serena and that Dan and Blair truly have a connection that doesn’t involve her and Serena is just pissed that she isn’t the center of attention anymore. That Blair is going to nab a Prince and Serena can’t handle that for once she has to be Blair’s shadow.
  • At the very end of the episode Charlie and Dan are in his apartment and Charlie tells Dan that she knows he has feelings for Blair that it was obvious by the way he kissed her and he tells her it’s true.
  • Vanessa comes by an Dan tells her to fuck off, that he knows she’s the one who told Serena about the first kiss and that they’ll never be friends again.
  • Serena calls the prince’s family and clearly there is a bitter scheme coming. Blair and the prince are in the limo and the prince decides to go public with Blair and they exit a limo together for all the paps to take photos.
So what’s your take on these episodes?
You can check other Gossip Girl Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


i’m really amazed how Game of Thrones fanboys worry about the series finale when the same haven’t even started yet. Well we can’t blame them, the fantasy book is great and ruining the ending will be such a disgrace. What’s your take?

Below is the episode guide and pre-episode reviews from TV Guide:

The author recently told The New Yorker he doesn’t want to “do a Lost” and mess up the ending.

Series executive producers D.B. Weiss attempted to further calm their nerves, telling, “We’ve talked through what the final episode, the final season will be.” Executive producer David Benioff adds: “We can’t wait to write that episode. Of the many different fears we have about the show, long-term momentum is not one of them. We’re very confident.”

What did you think about the 15-minute Game of Thrones preview?

It may seem like a premature concern, after all, HBO has yet to commit to additional seasons.

Blame the vocal — and mostly frustrated — fans of Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire fantasy novels on which the HBO series is based. They’ve been waiting six years for the fifth book to be released. (Martin has announced it will be out in July, really!). With an increased wait between each novel, fans nerves are frayed. What’s more, many have expressed the worry that the 62-year-old author won’t live to finish writing the entire seven-book cycle as promised — or that he’ll rush to wrap it up in an unsatisfying way.

Hence, Martin’s comment about Lost. The author said he’s sticking with his unhurried pace because he doesn’t want to disappoint his fans like he was disappointed by the ending of the ABC series. As he told The New Yorker, “We watched it every week trying to figure it out… and then I felt so cheated when we got to the conclusion. I want to give them something terrific. What if I f— it up at the end? What if I do a Lost? Then they’ll come after me with pitchforks and torches.” (Elsewhere in the world, Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof wasn’t too happy to have an unsatisfying ending equated with pulling a Lost — and made it known on his Twitter account.)

With HBO adapting the first novel into a 10-episode season, that worry now includes the TV series.

Check out Game of Thrones photos

“I think it’s a legitimate concern because it’s potentially 60-70 hours of your life you’re investing,” Weiss says. “It’s fair to want to know that there’s somebody at the wheel and that it’s going to lead you to a place where you feel that ultimately it was worth investing that time.”

Fortunately for fans, Martin has been serving as an available advisor for producers, and they say the partnership, however loose, has given them inside knowledge about what lies ahead for Jon Snow, Daenerys and the other denizens of Westeros. “George has proven through the discussions we’ve had that he’s always known in the rough, broad strokes where this is going to end up,” Weiss says.”And we think it’s going to end up in a way that is uniquely satisfying.”

Game of Thrones first look: Winter has arrived

“It’s not some ‘it was all a dream’ story,” Benioff clarifies. “It’s not an M. Night Shyamalan movie where there’s a massive twist at the end. It all actually makes sense. You can kind of feel in the roughest sense where it’s moving towards. It’s going to a fantastic place.”

Working with Martin comes with another perk as well: They don’t have to wait till July to read the fifth A Song of Ice and Fire novel.

“We got the first 600 pages of A Dance With Dragons early from George,” Benioff reveals. “Getting to read that is incredible. It’s so much fun, but it’s also really helpful for us because George had created such an immaculate beautiful world and we want to make sure that if there are going to be major developments in future seasons, we make sure we seed it properly in the first season.”

The series premiere of Game of Thrones airs on April 17, Sunday.

You can check Game of Thrones Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Get ready to see some personal and professional struggles of Chuck Bass on Episode 18 “The Kids Stay in the Picture.” What else can we expect? Entertainment Weekly spoils some more below.

On whether Chuck and Dan fight over Blair:

Not literally, but, “if you’re a Chuck and Blair fan who is hating on the Hump, prepare for your hate to diminish a bit after the first episode back (airing April 18).”

On the arrival of Prince Louis from Paris:

Chair fans “won’t be excited to see the Prince. Something happens just before his arrival that will make you want to shove him back in the limo and send him home.”

On the redemption of Chuck Bass:

“Chuck will continue to grapple in these last five episodes with Bass Industries and all the secrets that he is learning,” says executive producer Josh Safran.

“Blair has always been the one place he can go to talk about those issues – as witnessed at the end of the last episode, where he is like, ‘I need to talk to Blair.’”

Translation: Blair will be there to break the fall.

Episode 18 airs on April 18.

So does this mean that Chuck is the current frontrunner on the Blair engangement debate?

You can check other Gossip Girl Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


It is sad to say that the series finale of Smallville is just six episodes away. So can we expect for Clark Kent’s iconic transformation?

Producer Kelly Souders tells TV Guide she and her team will milk every second out of this final season, saying “literally, the journey isn’t over until the very last step.”

We can’t wait for the May 13 finale, of course, but we’re also wondering what will go down in the meantime. Here is the latest spoilers from Soulders.

Will there be casualties?
There are definitely some casualties, but it’s not necessarily people.

What role will Lois play?
What’s great is they take some very large steps through those last few episodes becoming the people that they’re destined to become. What’s kind of fun in what we’re doing with Lois is that you get to see part of the role that she plays in Clark Kent’s destiny that’s kind of a new territory.

As for a certain suit…
We all know where the suit is if you’ve been watching the show this season, so I’ll just say we know where the suit is, and that’s always a good start.

You can check other Smallville Season 10 reviews and spoilers HERE.


After her exit on Grey’s Anatomy, Katherine Heigl focused on her movie career. But as of the latest reports, she will return on small screen with an HBO show.

The Emmy winner has signed on to produce and star in an HBO original movie based on Ann Hood’s best-selling novel The Knitting Circle, according to TV Line.

The semi-autobiographical book centers on a mother mourning the death of her young daughter and battling grief that jeopardizes every aspect of her life.

She begins to find her way back into the world through a knitting circle.

Dirty Sexy Money creator/playwright Craig Wright will pen the adaptation, Wright’s first for HBO since his days as a writer for the acclaimed Six Feet Under.

So what do you think of Katherine Heigl’s return on TV?


Here are the spoilers for Episode 18 of The Event titled “Strain.” What’s interesting in this episode is that the traitors will infiltrate up to the highest level.

Episode 18 “Strain” guide:

  • The White House is rocked by the sudden illness of one of their own, leaving Chief of Staff Peel (guest star Roger Bart, “Desperate Housewives“) and Sterling to investigate possible conspirators.
  • Michael Buchanan comes to the aid of Leila, but it leaves them both at risk of Sophia’s wrath.
  • Across the globe in Russia, Sean and Vicky race to stop Sophia’s weapon from being loaded onto a plane heading to the United States.

This episode airs on April 25.

You can check The Event Season 1 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


After the season one finale, it is clear that the girls of Pretty Little Liars will need professional help. So who will respond on the call? Meet Annabeth Gish.

The former Lie to Me and Criminal Minds guest star will come on board in the key recurring role of therapist Anne Sullivan.

Teases producer Marlene King of the role to The New York Post: “The police wind up thinking the girls are lying about Ian. So their parents get together and insist they see someone to deal with these seemingly obsessive thoughts about pinning Allison’s murder on Ian. The therapist is going to play a very important part of season two and in the girls hunt for ‘A.'”

Season two premiere of Pretty Little Liars airs on June 14.

You can check Pretty Little Liars Season 2 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


At least now everything is confirmed. House’s BFF, Dr. James Wilson, will surely go after season 7. Below is his statement in an interview with TV Line:

“This my last season of House.”

The actor says his contract is up and he wants to focus on Broadway, where he’s returned to star in a revival of Garson Kanin’s 1946 comedy, Born Yesterday.

“I’m shooting my last episode now. Contractually, this is it,” Leonard says. “There’s also no deal for House next year because Comcast bought NBC Universal and no one has a deal. If I do House next year it’ll be under a new umbrella. But legally and contractually, I’m free after this season.”

The actor does leave a decent chunk of wiggle room, however, saying he’d miss a few episodes next season due to the play and also saying the season finale has nothing at all to do with Wilson departing.

“The long and short of it is, I don’t know,” he says. “I would love to make more money. Money is nice. I also really miss living in New Jersey. I also really miss theater. I miss my friends… I assume they’ll make another year of House. And I assume I will do it. But I can’t say for sure.”

It says here that Leonard will return in a recurring capacity, and thank goodness for it.

So any comment on this spoiler?

You can check House Season 7 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.