
Archive for the ‘TV Series Spoilers’ Category


The lineup of songs on season 2 of Glee is commendable. We got Britney Spears, Madonna, Lady Gaga and… Rebecca Black!

You might say that being covered by Glee is a sign that a musical act has left an indelible mark on popular culture. Some don’t want that distinction, but so be it.

In this case, however, you might wonder if Glee is going too far in pursuit of the newest, hottest trend. Although this particular trend has great comedic potential.

Rebecca Black’s “Friday,” the viral, this-must-be-a-joke-wait-it’s-serious sensation that has been viewed 100 million times on YouTube, is getting the Glee treatment.

The unlikely “hit” song, which some critics consider among the worst in the history of human civilization, will appear an upcoming Glee episode that centers around the prom.

Going the honors on “Friday” will either be Kevin McHale, Chord Overstreet and Mark Salling, or Salling and returning guest star Jonathan Groff. So who’s your bet?

You can check Glee Season 2 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Here is the latest spoilers for the season 3 finale of Fringe.

According to Fringe producer Jeff Pinker, a third universe will NOT be introduced on the May 6 season finale.

But that doesn’t mean the show won’t incorporate a world different from our own in some way, one referred to as heaven: “Somebody who we all love deeply will die,” Pinker told us during a conference call.

Added fellow producer J.H. Wyman: “Fringe always does things the way you don’t expect, so it’s going to be effective, and it will be self-explanatory. That’s sort of all we can say without spoiling anything.”

We’ll let Pinker tease the final words on the upcoming finale: “Hopefully it will be wholly unexpected and it will recontextualize the story of Season 3 in a really cool way, and be fun and entertaining and mind-blowing.”

I hope the death will be for a cause. I mean it shouldn’t be a death because someone needs to die. But I believe in Fringe and I guess the show will deliver on its season finale.

You can check Fringe Season 3 Spoilers and Reviews HERE


Look who’s in talks to return to Criminal Minds permanently.

A.J. Cook, left the cast of Criminal Minds at the end of last season when her option was not picked up by CBS, sparking outcry among the show’s loyal fans.

She then appeared in the first two episodes of this season to give closure to JJ, her character, who was transferred from the BAU to a job at the Pentagon.

Cook also appeared in Paget Brewster’s (also the subject of contract controversy) final episode in March. But it looks like A.J. may be coming back to stay …

As for Brewster, she is filming a comedy pilot for NBC, My Life As an Experiment, and will continue with that if it gets picked up. But if it doesn’t, she could be back too.

CBS has an option on Brewster for Criminal Minds and, if it exercises it as many expect, the network would reunite the whole cast, just as it was at last season’s end.

Meanwhile, Thomas Gibson and Shemar Moore are still not signed for next season, but talks are underway with the actors, whose deals are up at the end of this cycle.

Suffice it to say, these surprising developments, especially Cook’s potential return to the hit procedural, do not bode well for newly-minted regular Rachel Nichols.

On an unrelated note, executive producer Ed Bernero, who has run the show from the star, is leaving and will be replaced by co-executive producer Erica Messer.

So what’s your say on this rumor-spoiler?

You can check Criminal Minds Season 6 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Last week on The Vampire Diaries, Bonnie has been given the secret of how to kill Klaus. So what’s next after that?

“She is facing life and death responsibilities, so it’s going to be up to her love for Elena, how much she is willing to sacrifice and what she’s not,” Katerina Graham says.

“Klaus is after Elena to sacrifice her, to kill her on an altar,” she adds.

“And they need a witch. So besides the fact that killing Klaus, if she even tries to, might take her down, there’s also the fact that he needs a witch for the sacrifice.”

In short, it doesn’t look good for Bonnie.

Graham admits Bonnie is in danger: “I don’t feel safe about myself or anyone. Unfortunately, we were told from the beginning that many people will go. I’m no exception.”

Gulp. So when will she and Klaus come face to face at last?

She won’t say, but does tell E! that it will be up there with, if not surpassing the head-turning arrivals of Katherine and Elijah. “Oh, you have no idea. You have no idea.”

“It’s going to freak everyone out. It’s the last thing you’d expect.”

As for the blossoming Bonnie-Jeremy romance, she says “you’ll see the relationship she has with Jeremy really solidify and you start to see them growing as partners.”

“They’ll also go through issues, but you really see their growth.”

So what are your predictions regarding this spoiler?

You can check The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Reviews and Spoilers HERE


The season finale of Grey’s Anatomy promises lots of events including the twist which involves April. So any details about that spoiler?

Sarah Drew promises big twists for her character on Grey’s Anatomy this season. Given what we know about April, you can’t help but wonder if she will … you know.

“There is something big that will happen to her that will change the course of her future. That’s all I can say,” she teases. “I don’t actually know what the arcs are.”

“I know this one thing that’s going to happen in the finale is going to affect whatever she does next season.” BUT, she tells EW, it’s NOT about her virginity. Really.

“In my latest conversations with producers and writers they were very adamant that April’s going to hang on to her virginity for a really long time,” Sarah said.

“I don’t know if that means ’til the end of next season or ’til the show ends.”

Meanwhile, on the Calzona wedding front, Mama Torres isn’t going to make things easy for the couple on their big day, thanks to a sour, out-of-place attitude.

Her non-grandmotherly treatment of the baby may put a damper on the day for Callie, but not for viewers … because there are two joyous occasions taking place!

Back to April, if that event on season finale doesn’t involve her virginity, then can it be an engagement with Stark? I can’t imagine.

What’s your take?

You can also check Grey’s Anatomy Season 7 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Pretty Little Liars fans, here is the latest spoiler regarding the controversial coupling of Aria (Lucy Hale) and Ezra (Ian Harding).

According to TV Line, it may still be controversial when the show returns June 14 for its season 2 premiere, but it won’t be a secret come fall: “It is highly likely that Aria and Ezra will be going public,” King says.

“Not necessarily in the summer episodes, but maybe this fall. As you know, we air episodes in blocks of 12. In the first 12, the relationship is still going to be very much a secret.”

“But the second 12 might be their coming out story.”

The romance won’t be nearly as taboo as it once was, given that Ezra will have started his new job at Hollis College and will no longer be Aria’s teacher.

Still, it’s Pretty Little Liars, and that means rocky, stressful times on the horizon – and not just regarding the hunt for A, but with this attractive pairing.

“It’s going to be complicated and it’s going to be awkward when we return,” King says. “They’re going to find life is even harder with Ezra at Hollis.”

Might one of those complications be that Aria finds a new love interest? It sounds likely, per King: ”There is definitely a love triangle on the horizon.”

So any idea what will happen on Ezra and Aria?

You can check Pretty Little Liars Season 2 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


One week more and we will be able to see episode 17 of Glee “A Night of Neglect.” Before the said episode airs, you should first check these spoilers from E! News.

Gwyneth Paltrow will appear again as Holly next week and cover Adele’s “Turning Tables.”
Santana won’t be getting over Brittany any time soon, but she’ll do her best to forget that blonde. By cozying up to a new man.

The future looks bright for Blaine and Kurt, says Darren Criss: “They’re in the honeymoon stage, and they’ve just recently gotten together, so that’s really new and exciting like any new relationship is. I think Blaine has something really special with Kurt. It’s not just a flash in the pan kind of crush.”

The show is casting for Jarod, a high school student with Down syndrome. Expect him to interact with Becky.

Are you excited to see the next episode?
You can check Glee Season 2 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


We have tons of Gossip Girl season 4 spoilers as shown on the link below. To sum up all the things that you should know before the most awaited episode 18, you can read the summary of spoilers below from TV Line.

General finale spoilers:

We can expect to see the road maps for all of the characters very clearly — but don’t rest so easy: that doesn’t mean there won’t be any cliffhangers.

Blair spoilers:

Queen B’s going to have to decide between Dan, Chuck, and Prince Louis (remember him from the beginning of this season?!). Gossip Girl showrunner Savage spills that this story will carry on until the two-part finale — all of which spans an entire night.

Serena spoilers:

While the Queen B is in New York dealing with her love trifecta dilemma, Serena will be on the West Coast with a gorgeous man (played by Ethan Peck). Although Savage kept the deets of Peck’s role on the down low, she did spill that we can expect to see him during the season finale.

Chuck spoilers:

Chuck’s going to be launching an investigation into what really happened to Raina’s mom — and whether his dad had anything to do with. Savage warns, “It is always darkest before dawn. And Chuck, he gets very, very dark.”

You can check other Gossip Girl Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Here is the latest Leverage season 4 spoiler.

Danny Glover is coming to Leverage this summer, guest starring in the fifth episode of the TNT drama’s upcoming fourth season.

Glover will play a retired war veteran who acquired a piece of art that has a little bit of a mystery story behind it, and which the cast tries to help him recover.

Also interestingly, large sections of Glover’s episode will be narrated by his character, so the show’s viewers will see the majority of the story through his eyes.

Leverage season 4 premiere airs on June 26.

You can check Leverage Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.

House fanatics! If you are wondering what will happen next on Amber Tamblyn’s character, well she gave us some hints about the fate of Martha Masters.
According to TV Guide:
She’s going to potentially break one of her own rules in a very interesting way that is going to divide her. And it’s going to break Masters a little bit, which will be really interesting to see because she’s kind of been unbreakable.
Tamblyn also confirmed reports that she is now working on a new project for Fox.
Katie Jacobs, who is the executive producer of House, approached me about this idea and I loved it. Ed Burns, who is the co-creator of The Wire with David Simon, is writing it and we just sold the idea to Fox.
Hopefully we’ll be making a pilot. It’s about a young teacher set in the world of public education in America, which is kind of a touchy subject.
So what can you say about the impending exit of Masters?
You can check House Season 7 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.