
Archive for the ‘TV Series Spoilers’ Category


We all know that Peter vanished on the season 3 finale. So many viewers are now asking whether or not Joshua Jackson will return on season 4 of Fringe. Read the answer below.

It seems like another time paradox: Peter never existed, and yet all of the stuff that happened because of Peter still happened, including Walter’s original crossing-over and the activation of the machine.

In any case, Joshua Jackson will be back for season 4. “He’s got a job. He’s still under contract,” J.H. Wyman confirmed. “We can’t yet reveal what exactly we have in store for him, but he’s definitely not going out for other shows,” executive producer continued.

Now it is clear that Peter will be back on Fringe season 4. What are your thoughts about him?

**UPDATE: Based on the current events and spoilers of Fringe, there are some clouds as to Peter’s return. You might want to go to Fringe section to check them out.

You can check Fringe Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Another interesting guest star for Psych.

Following in the appearances of Judd Nelson and Ally Sheedy, Molly Ringwald will stop by an episode of Psych this fall. The veteran actress will portray a nurse at a mental hospital who falls under Shawn’s suspicious eye.

Ringwald has appeared on ABC Family’s The Secret Life of the American Teenager for the past three seasons.

I am curious about this mental hospital nurse. So I think  the episode will deal with someone mentally challenged?

You can check Psych Season 6 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Here is the latest scoop about the season 6 finale of Bones titled “The Change in the Game.” Executive producer Stephan Nathan gave us some spoilers through an interview by Entertainment Weekly.

“We wanted to try to have their relationship evolve in a realistic way while making sure the show still had the same tension that has made it appealing for six years now,” he says. “That said, we know we can’t repeat ourselves. We will switch it up. It will change the show in a fundamental way — but it will stay the same. We are not going to embrace the Moonlighting curse. I can say that unequivocally. You know, half of the fans are saying ‘get them together, get them together.’ Others say, ‘You can’t get them together. Once you get them together, it’s going to suck. It’s the Moonlighting curse and the show will end.’ Well, hopefully, both groups of people will be pleased. We’re excited about where the show will be going. It’s a place that we haven’t seen any show go before. I’m not saying we’re reinventing the wheel or anything, but it’s not where anyone expects it to go,” Nathan says.

So what are your thoughts about this season 6 finale spoiler of Bones?

You can check other Bones Season 6 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Episode 22 or the season 1 finale of The Event will showcase the race to stop the virus. Seems exciting huh? Check the other spoilers below.

Here are the other episode 22 spoilers:

  • The White House is gripped by a power struggle of historic proportions, pitting Martinez and Chief of Staff Peel (guest star Roger Bart, “Desperate Housewives“) against Jarvis and his secret ally, Sophia.
  • Sean, Vicky, Sterling, and Simon race to stop the dispersion points for the virus.
  • Leila fights for her life. But it all may be too late — as the portal begins to open, sending tremors across the globe. Lisa Vidal also stars.
The season 1 finale of The Event will air on May 23.
You can check The Event Season 1 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Let us admit it, the season 2 finale of Justified is one of the best episodes ever made. So what can we expect on season 3? Well, here is an interview with producer Ned Yost by TV Guide.

Will Ava survive? I would be very surprised if Ava wasn’t in the show. We love Joelle, and we love Ava.

What will Winona’s pregnancy mean? We honestly don’t know where we’re going with that. We’ll figure it out. We just thought it was a good complication.

What is Raylan’s professional future? I can pretty much guarantee you that he will be a Marshal. That’s our show, but people do go through these things in life, where you think, “I’m just going to chuck it all and move to Vermont.” We all get those moments, and we wanted to explore that.

Any more season three spoilers? We spent a whole season getting Boyd back to being Boyd. I would not be surprised if we find ourselves looking again in a more concentrated way at the Boyd-and-Raylan relationship. Their stories ran parallel this season. But if we don’t do it in Season 3 and if the heavens allow a Season 4, at some point it’s got to come back to Raylan and Boyd.

So what are your expectations for season 3 of Justified?
You can check other Justified Season 3 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


There are many to expect on the season 2 of Covert Affairs. Of course we can expect that Annie will go off on numerous missions and Auggie will continue to make viewers laugh and swoon.

But what about Arthur and Joan? Well, check this statement by Peter Gallagher.

“They built us a house so I assume there will be scenes inside,” the actor said. “We’re more in love than people believe. Our relationship is a little deeper and authentic and that’s what people respond to.”

Season 2 of Covert Affairs will air on June 7.

So what do you expect on the second season of Covert Affairs?

You can check other Covert Affairs Season 2 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Season 3 of Royal Pains promises few changes. So better be prepared especially in the case of Jill.

“You’re talking about someone who never left the Hamptons,” actress Jill Flint says of her character, who will be coming back from Africa this summer. “She went out in the world and it’s impossible to not change after that. She has more direction, she knows what she wants.”

Does this mean she’ll get back together with Hank? So are you excited for the new Jill?

The season 3 of Royal Pains will air on June 29.

You can check other Royal Pains Season 3 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Chuck Bass was at his extreme on episode 20 of Gossip Girl titled “The Princesses and the Frog.” So let us discuss the said episode.

Executive producer Josh Safran tells E! of the shocking ending to “The Princesses and the Frog”:

“We feel it’s very important to know that she is not scared – if anything, she is scared for Chuck, and what he might do to himself – but she is never afraid of what he might do to her.”

“Leighton (Meester) and I were very clear about that.”

Moreover, Chuck is due for a “reckoning,” just as soon as he comes to his senses, which will take in the midst of the “thrilling” and “uplifting” two-part finale.

Curious as to what that entails? Here’s Josh’s full Q&A with E! …

I thought it was interesting that Chuck actually grabbed her and that the consequence of that fight was Blair had the most perfect, beautiful, dainty injury, which are two symbolically significant things. Did this moment verge on abuse? What was going on in this scene?

The way we viewed it, I think it’s very clear that Blair is not afraid in those moments, for herself. They have a volatile relationship, they always have, but I do not believe—or I should say we do not believe—that it is abuse when it’s the two of them. Chuck does not try to hurt Blair. He punches the glass because he has rage, but he has never, and will never, hurt Blair. He knows it and she knows it, and I feel it’s very important to know that she is not scared—if anything, she is scared for Chuck—and what he might do to himself, but she is never afraid of what he might do to her. Leighton and I were very clear about that.

Chuck is usually defined by his cold, emotional distance, but here he’s out of control and slobbering drunk. What is he doing?

This whole season has been a struggle for Chuck to understand who he is… He opens the season as Henry Prince, because he did not want to be Chuck Bass anymore. Even when he got surer footing, and he was like, “OK, I can be Chuck Bass again,” he was dealt another curve ball, the story with his father and the Thorpes, and looking at, “What am I born from?” The conflict for the year for Chuck has been “Who am I? What am I?” And you have to hit rock bottom before you can rise up again. That is our trajectory for Chuck, right now, and for this season.

Is this rock bottom, or is there further to go?

I would like to say “Wait and see,” but I would be hard-pressed to think that there is any more rock bottom than this. And by the way, it was a conscious decision to make the rock bottom episode 20 and not 22, so that there’s still room to go.

So at the moment Chuck is sort of a basket case?

He needed to go out of control – sometimes you have to go out of control to take stock and look at yourself and realize who you are.

I have to imagine that the morning after he’s also going to look at Blair and see that he caused the world’s most picturesque wound and react to that accordingly. Where do you go in the next two episodes in terms of Chuck’s emotional arc?

There is definitely a reckoning.

“Reckoning” could mean a lot of things. Is Chuck going to be in a gunfight?

I can’t say, but you saw who Raina called at the end of the episode. There’s two things that we’ve shown that can touch Chuck’s Achilles’ heel, and they are Blair and Jack Bass. And to have both of them in the same episode, what’s that gonna be?

Ah, Chuck…He’s such a classic romantic hero, like Rhett Butler, sort of strong enough that you can stretch him pretty far.

Sure, we talk about these classic movies all the time, and sometimes the audience just likes it better when it’s The Philadelphia Story, or Breakfast at Tiffany’s, but you have to talk about these other movies as well. Each character can’t just be in romantic comedies all the time.

He’s always had that Gothic thing, and those guys are always imbued with a dark side in addition to their vulnerability about their girlfriends. Would you say that the next two episodes are a time of strength for Chuck or a time of weakness?

All I will say is that I’m sure you’ve seen the picture of Chair on chairs. That’s not a dream sequence; they’re smiling, and you know…How about that?

Where’s Blair, emotionally, at this point? She’s with her prince, but Chuck said to her face that we all knew she wasn’t going to get with him—plus, he’s just a guest star. What is she telling herself at the end of this episode?

Blair’s always believed in fairy tales, and she even opens this season talking about fairy tales. It was always our intention to let Blair have a fairy tale, but the rose in a fairy tale still has thorns on it. Chuck may be – in last night’s episode – the thorns for that rose; but Blair is moving towards accepting that she can have a fairy tale.

I’m hearing a lot of, “If you go back to the beginning of the season, you’ll see that we did some stuff here.” Can we assume that as fans that if we went back to the first part of the season, we’d see the seeds planted that are going to come to fruition in the finale?

Absolutely, it is very, very much of a piece, this season. We just made that choice and stuck with it.

As for the finale, do you like to end things on cliffhangers? Do you like to tie things up in bows?

The next episode is actually a two-parter, episodes 21 and 22 [are one story and] take place in a little more than one night. And then there’s little bit more jumping ahead like we have in the past. There are definitely cliffhangers. I’m trying to think, do we tie stuff up in bows? Well, every bow has a string that someone can pull, some I’m not entirely sure if we tied up anything, but I feel like this year, more than ever before, the map of the next season will become very clear in the finale. So even when there are cliffhangers in this finale, they very much tell a story of where we are going, as opposed to shooting Chuck and not knowing if he’s alive.

In that two-part, what one scene or moment are you most excited for people to see?

There’s never one moment. You’re asking the wrong person, because I’m proud of and stand by every storylines, even the ones that people don’t love and the ones that don’t get accepted the way we hope they will. I have to stand by both “the good and the bad.” I really love both episode 21 and 22. Coming to the end of the season is always really fun for us, because we really do get to look back and tie things together… the only thing I’m sad about is that I wish they were airing on the same night, because I do think that 21 and 22 – because they’re the first time we’ve ever done a two-parter – are really complementary. At the same time, I would love to just be an audience member watching, because 21 ends on a cliffhanger. Watching and waiting a whole week could be superfun; we don’t get that luxury because we know what’s going to happen. There’s lovely moments and thrilling moments in both parts, and I think it’s really going to feel like a ride. Last year’s finale felt like a descent into despair, because that’s what was happening with Chuck and Jenny; this one feels more like a thrill ride with happy uplifting moments and happy scary moments, but not necessarily despair.

So what are your thoughts now for next week’s episode titled “Shattered Bass?”

You can check other Gossip Girl Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Let us join the New York buzz of Glee. The latest scoop involves the phot showing the Finchel kiss. So can we say goodbye Finn and Quinn, and welcome Finn and Rachel? Maybe. Maybe not.

Check the photo:

So what else is in store for all our favorite Gleeks? Just a couple of things, mainly New York-Nationals-related:

So, how ’bout that Finchel? The latest is that the Finn-and-Quinn relationship will “unravel” – which of course can only mean good news for Finn and Rachel. But it will mean very, very bad news for Finn and Quinn.
Glee bosses are currently casting for a “nice, slightly overweight security guard at a New York City theater”. Unless this means Mercedes is now demanding security too, some are speculating that somebody missing their Nationals performance at NYC could be a very real possibility.

Any comments on the photo?

You can check Glee Season 2 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


We’ve already posted some spoilers for The Event episode 21 “The Beginning of the End.” But there are still more and it promises a triumphant return!

Here are the spoilers for episode 21 of The Event:

  • President Martinez makes a triumphant albeit shaky return to the White House, determined to punish the traitors who conspired against him.
  • Sophia forges ahead with her plan, while battling a new enemy — the guilt that has begun to plague her.
  • Sean and Vicky form an impromptu team with Sterling and Simon in order to track down Sophia’s headquarters and stop her before the destruction of all human life.

Episode 21 of The Event will air on May 16.

You can check The Event Season 1 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.