Home » Chuck, TV Series Reviews » Chuck Season 4 Episode 15 Review & Watch: Chuck Versus the Cat Squad

There is no doubt that “Chuck vs. the Cat Squad” is Sarah’s Charlie’s Angels-like episode. She got a good exposure with this one and she never failed to entertain us.

It was the second straight stand alone installment, both of which have been a nice change of pace. The mission itself kept me interested, the level of attractiveness of the Cat Squad didn’t hurt, and there was enough long running plots on a personal level to keep my thirst for serialization quenched.

After a second straight episode without Jeff, Lester and Big Mike, I’m afraid we did hit a bit of road bump in terms of comedy, though. Let’s take a look at how the Chuck Triple Threat held up this week. But, first, get that lip stick off your shirt.

I didn’t really notice until the episode started to come to a close, but there were hardly any one-liners. Chuck had a couple here and there, but Morgan was too busy getting upset at Carina and trying to make it up to Alex to be funny. Without Jeff, Lester and Big Mike, it ended up on the lesser side of comedy.  This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. though.  For a show that is usually hilarious, I didn’t think any less of it because I wasn’t cracking up half the time.

From the introduction of the Cat Squad to Chuck falling through the roof before traning all of the bad guys, there were plenty of action sequences.  None were better than Sarah versus Zondra in the circle, however. Not only was this an awesome fight in which both ladies thought the other was a trader, but it was also extremely hot.  Maybe the short gym shorts do it for me, but this was definitely one of my favorite Chuck girl on girl fights… and there have been many.

I don’t care how understated and sweet it was to allow Chuck’s proposal from two weeks ago to go down in silence from thirty feet away, it could never make my allergies act up like Sarah’s proposal to Ellie did this week. The build up to this moment was perfect. They started with a short heart to heart earlier in the episode, which set things up nicely for when they got back together at the end.

As soon as Sarah began to ask the question, for some reason it got really dusty around me.  I knew what she was going to ask, and when it came out of her mouth it was like somebody opened up the flood gates. With Sarah’s family out of the picture, and no one from the Cat Squad good enough, Ellie was the obvious choice for maid of honor.  That didn’t make it any less fantastic when Sarah made that decision.  A budding relationship between these two could really create a nice new dynamic for the show.

Then there was the saga of the bearded wonder.  Like I noted earlier, Morgan didn’t create much laughter, but he was busy keeping his girlfriend.  Honestly, if you had told me in season one that Morgan would have two hot girls fighting over him, I would have said you were crazy.

That is the beauty of Chuck: the nerds get the girls, and it gives hope to the rest of the nerds out there.  Carina’s antics kept getting in the way of Morgan and Alex, but I was extremely pleased that Morgan never once thought about straying. When the bearded one finally got to tell his girlfriend that he “loves her loves her,” it was another fabulously sweet moment. If this thing with Morgan and Alex lasts, it means John Casey is the only one left to find his soul mate.

I can’t wait for next season when we watch him fall deeply in love, outpouring emotion episode after episode. On second thought… nahhhh. That’s not Casey.

Moving Forward
With the engagement party having come and gone, I definitely can see wedding bells in the near future. Is that the season finale we are leading up to?  They have done a wedding for a finale in the past, so might they not want to repeat themselves? I’m okay with the repetition if it means we get to witness another ridiculous Chuck wedding with an inappropriate Jeffster! performance.

So what do you expect on the next episode?

You can check other Chuck Reviews and Spoilers HERE.