Home » Castle, TV Series Reviews » Castle Season 3 Episode 12 Review & Watch: Poof! You’re Dead

Castle’s episode this week, “Poof! You’re Dead” is definitely more than what I’ve expected! Why? Because the magic is cool, new storylines are interesting, and the murder was cool!

The previews for this episode displayed Gilles Marini as the big guest star, yet he only had a few minutes of screen time. The real guest star of “Poof! You’re Dead!” was Jeff Hephner. He seems to be popping up everywhere, including his recurring role on Hellcats.

Like most episodes, the mystery was extravagant and full of twists and turns. There is no show on television right now that does this type of thing or does as well. Although sometimes the murders are completely unrealistic, they are always entertaining.

“Poof! You’re Dead!” was a prime example of Castle at its bizarre best. I must admit, I am thoroughly looking forward to more episodes with the Triple Killer.

This was the first time we got to see Esposito and Lanie in action as a couple. These two are adorable. It is great that they think they are fooling everyone, yet the others already know. I am a huge fan of Castle and Beckett together, but it is nice to see a little screen time given to the other characters (last week Ryan, this week Esposito).

And now for the highlight of the episode: It has finally happened. Castle dumped Gina!! This relationship was a wrong move from the start and I, for one, am grateful that the writers recognized the issue and corrected it. The season is almost halfway over and there has barely been any mention of Castle and Beckett’s significant others.

Beckett’s face upon overhearing Castle broke up with Gina was priceless. This partially opens the door for these two, and considering the January 24 preview, I’d say that is where they are headed. Not that I want these two to rush into a relationship, but a couple of steps forward won’t hurt.

So what do you think about this episode?

You can check Castle Season 3 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.