Home » Glee, TV Series Reviews » Glee Season 2 Episode 18 Review & Watch: Born This Way

There’s no doubt about it, episode 18 of Glee titled “Born This Way” is a spectacular one. The story, character, and Gaga cover all nailed it!

TV Fanatic: Spontaneous songs were back! I don’t care if you are a Jackie or Marilyn, Peggy or Joan, Rachel and Quinn’s I Feel Pretty/Unpretty mash-up was amazing. The choice of songs was made even more spectacular when we later learned about Quinn’s past life as Lucy Caboosey. While I could have done without the creepy child pageant scene, Lauren played a necessary evil this week as she was instrumental in exposing Quinn’s past. Great Carrie reference from Quinn by the way, when she mused about Lauren being soaked in pigs blood in front of the entire school.

Speaking of potential humiliation before an entire student body, Kurt’s return on the steps of McKinley was anything but. The Warblers soared as they sang farewell to their friend with their rendition of Keane’s “Somewhere Only We Know.” I know, I know, I couldn’t believe no one clapped either. Very much like no one came to the concert last week. We just have to let these inconsistencies slide off our backs and focus on the more genius moments and overall greatness of the show.

Like as Kurt received hug after hug goodbye before finally coming face to face with Blaine, was it weird or amazingly appropriate that all I could think of was Dorothy when she said goodbye to the Tin Man, Cowardly Lion and lastly Scarecrow? Sadly though, I think this emotional farewell was a prelude of things to come. The way the camera held on Blaine as he watched Kurt being embraced by his friends sent chills through my body and not the good kind like I got at the beginning of “Born This Way.”

I then recalled how just moments earlier Kurt told Blaine that he would never say goodbye to him. That sealed it, sadly, for me. I fear our beloved Blaine will join Pavarotti in the big music hall in the sky, by the end of the season.

For as much as I didn’t want to believe my sad realization, I did want to believe Karofsky’s apology was genuine. Even if it was scripted by Santana it was good to hear someone on the show talk about the dangers of bullying. She also deserved some snaps for her bevy of memorable quotes this week highlighted by her claim that the only kind of straight she is, is straight bitch.

Fans of Finn were treated to a great solo complete with a healthy dose of his adorably awkward dance moves. Mike Chang accompanied him in green and black and reminded me of Jiminy Cricket as he helped Pinocchio learn how to act like a real boy should. Finn has certainly looked like he was made of wood in the past but he did Sammy Davis Jr. proud on all counts.

Kurt killed it in the Flash Mob scene at the mall and looked smashing in that USA tank from Toddland that has gotten so much press. His real moment of course came as he belted out Barbara’s “As If We Never Said Goodbye.” Seriously, the first word that came to mind was Emmy! If that performance didn’t scream Emmy I don’t know what would. All this just days after the 50th anniversary of Judy Garland’s famous performance at Carnegie Hall.  Kurt returned home from over the rainbow in a sense and will never again be alone. We will continue to watch him fly and teach the world new ways to dream.

Overall, Glee bounced back after a not-so-good episode last week. This episode is a must see, check it out and enjoy!

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