Home » Nurse Jackie, TV Series Reviews » Nurse Jackie Season 3 Episode 5 Review & Watch: Rat Falls

On episode 5 “Rat Falls” of Nurse Jackie, the critics raised a question on whether or not drug dealer like Bill exists in the real world.

TV Fanatic: If so, I’ll consider Jackie’s reaching out to him on “Rat Falls” an interesting development. If not, such a character is a rather lame plot device that signals what desperate shape Nurse Jackie is in as it tries to mix things up.

Even with Jackie scoring a new stash with Bill, though, the episode lacked any progress or cliffhanger. Bill claims people go to him when rehab and other attempts at getting clean fail.

But Jackie has no interest in getting clean. She just needs more pills. Bill may act strange and his profession may be shady, but the show hasn’t given me any reason to believe he’ll play any kind of role in Jackie’s future aside from someone who feeds her habit.

Will she eventually hit rock bottom and actually get help? Maybe. But didn’t the season two finale imply that would be the basis for season three? Instead, we’re back to where we’ve always been.

Elsewhere, Akalitus wants to steal a statue of Mary and Coop’s moms are getting a divorce. Okay. Not exactly mesmerizing storylines, are they? Heck, Zoey was scarcely even around this week.

Even though the performances of the cast of Nurse Jackie continue to impress me, I still find the storyline lacking. I mean the content of the show is way far compared to what we saw before. But things can be fixed, and I’m hoping that the succeeding episodes will bring a more interesting plot.

You can check other Nurse Jackie Season 3 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.