Home » House, TV Series Reviews » House Season 7 Episode 19 Review & Watch: Last Temptation

Episode 19 of House titled “The Last Temptation” gives us two key things: reappearance of Thirteen and Masters decision in joining permanently House’s crew.

TV Fanatic: The beginning of the episode showed Masters quizzing herself in preparation for facing House. It was interesting to see Masters from this perspective and learn how truly disciplined she is. House hired Masters as his intern and then predictably fired her when she refused to turn in a forged log. Once again Masters’ strict morality was pitted against House’s distaste for following the rules.

House later invited Masters back when she began to tell white lies in order to work on House’s case.

The episode explored the gradual erosion of Masters’ moral code, which came to a climax when Masters drugged the teenage patient in order to get the patient’s parents to sign a consent form allowing the team to amputate the patient’s cancer-ridden arm.  Masters clearly related to the patient, who saw herself as different.  Following House’s advice and breaking the rules to save the patient’s life, however, was the last straw for Masters.

Rather than become more like House, which Thirteen and Chase warned against, Masters decided to quit and distance herself from House. The last scene, where Masters tripped over one of the chickens involved in a bet between House and Wilson, was very appropriate. Masters, who was sad after quitting, quickly was able to recover and show how happy she was that a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

Thirteen came back for her first day of work this episode.  She gave Masters some advice and appeared throughout the episode but did not have a large role.

So what can you say about Thirteen? What about on the decision of Masters?

You can check House Season 7 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.