Home » The Vampire Diaries, TV Series Reviews » The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Episode 18 Review & Watch: The Last Dance

This week’s The Vampire Diaries titled “The Last Dance” is definitely intense, emotional and entertaining. The ending is spectacular as Elena gave us the so-called game changer.

Theme of the week: How far would you go for someone you love?

TV Fanatic: Bonnie, apparently, will go the whole way and not think twice about it. While her “death” didn’t stick this week, Ms. Bennett has no qualms about sacrificing herself.

The amazing thing is that the reverse is also true. Her desperate resurrection of Elijah shows that she’d rather put herself at greater risk than let Bonnie die killing Klaus.

While last week’s episode, “Know Thy Enemy,” threw so many new twists at us that it required considerable effort to make sense of it all, this one was more of a slow-builder.

For a half hour, we knew what was coming. Bonnie, Damon and Stefan were on the lookout, while Klaus, disguised as a lowly history teacher, was coming for Elena.

The only question was how, and whether the spell by his large witch friend Maddox would allow him to withstand Bonnie’s powers and eliminate her as an obstacle.

This was his endgame this week, not torturing Katherine or revealing himself for Elena (although he did both). It was all about getting rid of Bonnie for Klalaric.

He accomplished that goal, too … or so we thought.

Ultimately, and somewhat surprisingly, after a dramatic, spark-filled confrontation, she and Damon pulled a fast one on the oldest vampire in the history of time.

Klaus seemed to fall for this a little too easily, but I’ll chalk that up to the limitations posed by taking over a human body and the desire not to push his luck.

[SIDE NOTE: Matt Davis was so awesome tonight. Nina Dobrev consistently does a great job portraying two characters, and it was fun seeing Matt try this out.]

Don’t get me wrong, I almost bought that Bonnie kicked it, too. The battle wasn’t quite epic enough for a girl with the power of 100 witches to go down in, though.

Plus, it’s TVD. The rules change as we go, right?

It’s somewhat unclear how Bonnie faking her death fits into the Salvatores master plan. Will she be more effective against him with the element of surprise later?

With Elijah now poised to rise again, will he join the team’s bid to Kill Klaus? Or did Elena just allow a total wild card back into the mix when she removed the dagger?

We certainly know where one vampire’s allegiances lie. The reveal of Damon’s plot to dupe Klaus dovetailed with an emphatic, profound declaration to Elena.

Even his plan saved Bonnie this time, make no mistake, he said: “If it comes down to you and the witch again I will gladly let Bonnie die. I will always choose you.”

Wow. His jealousy toward Stefan is always just beneath the surface, but these words – and those eyes – show his attraction to Elena is more palpable than ever.

So did you like this episode of The Vampire Diaries?

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