Home » Survivor, TV Series Reviews » Survivor 22 Redemption Island Episode 9 Review & Watch: The Buddy System

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In the double elimination episode 9 of Survivor Redemption Island titled “The Buddy System,” we saw how Rob’s alliance simply picked ex-Zapateras and threw them to Redemption Island. Indeed, Rob is in control of this game and I expect a smooth final 6 ex-Ometepes.

TV Fanatic: With three people left to vote out before the ex-Ometepes are left with their six, perhaps we’ll see the same thing next week, merged episodes. However, there’s the potential flaw in doing so. If only one Zapatera is voted out next week, do we know that there will be fireworks the following week?

Allegedly the seasons of Survivor (and most reality game shows) are required by law to be planned out ahead of time. That is, the producers can’t manipulate the planned facets of the game after the game has started to get what they perceive to be a more favorable outcome. Not sure what this is all about? Read the 1960 amendment to the Communications Act of 1934. Or, just watch the movie Quiz Show.

Getting back to the point, with most (if not all) of the competitive aspects (what challenges happen when, timing of twists, etc) of each Survivor season planned out ahead of time, Survivor’s producers decided ahead of time that there would not be a duel until at least three castaways were voted out. In fact, we’re not even sure that there will be a Redemption Island challenge next week.

Assuming that the producers didn’t oddly plan a three-man challenge for next week and get lucky when these two tribal councils were boring, my guess is that there will only be one Redemption Island challenge for the right to get back in the game. Whenever it comes will incorporate every person who’s been sent to Redemption Island to that point with just one winner. Sticking with that theme, I’d wager that the challenge will be an endurance based challenge as well.

Even though we had two weeks worth of challenges and tribal councils in just one episode, the lopsided nature of the game leaves little to discuss from a strategy standpoint. David even commented that it’s frustrating to be in Survivor when no one wants to play the game.

What the Zapatera tribe members continue to fail to realize is that they’re not going to be able to just walk up, propose a scheme and get a yes on the idea. The best way to infiltrate their ranks is doing the exact opposite: becoming friends. Phillip even gave Ralph and out this week suggesting that they talk about their lives, but not the game. Neither Phillip nor David jumped at the opportunity.

The only person who seems to know the value of a bond prior to an alliance is Boston Rob. He recognizes that he can’t let his tribe become friendly with the ex-Zapateras. Is he a bit extreme with his control, such as with the fish this week? Probably. But the flip side is that they’re all listening to him as well. As Grant said, he makes his own decisions. The rest of them could have done the same.

One man who believes he makes his own decisions is Phillip. Whether anyone feels that he’s making his own decisions is up for debate. Phillip claimed this week that he recognizes that being the ugly duckling gives him a very good chance to get to the finals. Well, Phillip is the entertainer of the episodes while David is the great wanderer.

So what do you think will happen on the succeeding episodes?

You can check Survivor 22 Redemption Island Reviews and Spoilers HERE.