Home » Nurse Jackie, TV Series Reviews » Nurse Jackie Season 3 Episode 2 Review & Watch: Enough Rope

This week’s Nurse Jackie “Enough Rope” embraces the usual trend in medical drama: having cases that directly reflect or relate to what the main character is going through. We’ve seen this a lot especially on Grey’s Anatomy.

TV Fanatic: On “Enough Rope,” for example, did we really need Jackie to go off about the DNR dude and how some people just want to be left alone? Hey… wait! That’s just how Jackie feels about Kevin and O’Hara butting into her life. Amazing!

Sarcasm aside, I was left with a similar feeling here as I had after the third season premiere. Has anything really changed on the show?

It seems clear Jackie and O’Hara’s friendship won’t dissolve, which is disappointing because it would have been interesting to see Jackie go through a long period of time with absolutely no support system. But at least we were treated to one of Edie Falco’s better moments in her speech to her friend at the restaurant.

Kevin may also be suspicious of his wife – great scene in the bar when she so transparently attempted to shower Kevin with love and he responded with an icy stare – but they’re still married. She’s still lying to him. She’s even still popping the occasional pill. It would be nice if Kevin moved out or something. Give us something different in this relationship.

Still, there’s always Zoey and Cooper to bring a smile to my face. The latter was especially hilarious with his apology card to Sam. Boy, is he sorry! Great stuff.

The Akalitus/Michelle Obama storyline feels a bit desperate, though. I give the show credit for altering this character since season one, as she’s no longer simply used as a source for random hijinks. But I always prefer my humor to be more subtle than her overt shenanigans, more of which I can only assume we’re in store for as she pushes for a visit from the First Lady.

Indeed, season 3 episode 2 of Nurse Jackie raises mixed reactions from the viewers. But I think this episode is quite good and I like the hour overall.

You can check other Nurse Jackie Season 3 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.