Home » Breakout Kings, TV Series Reviews » Breakout Kings Season 1 Episode 5 Review & Watch: Queen of Hearts

Alas, this week’s Breakout Kings titled “Queen of Hearts” features the show’s first female escapee.

So did the group arrested her easily? No, as the said escapee has several penpal lovers whom she utilized to achieve her not-so-perfect plan

The list of prison pen pals that Lila assembled ranged from pathetic to laughable. All of them were willing to look past the fact that she stabbed her husband forty-eight times or were at least able to convince themselves that it was self defense. Never underestimate the power of a gorgeous body and a pretty face.

Apparently it was an episode full of girl power as Erica took on the role of dominatrix in the interrogation room. Having her call the guy out on his pink lace panties was comical but having Julianne tell Erica to keep the boots he licked was priceless.

I enjoyed the main characters on this show more than I did the fugitive of the week and I liked that we delved deeper into their backgrounds. Turns out that Lloyd’s mother was a control freak who did some twisted things to him as a boy yet he still has trouble telling her how angry it’s made him.

Lloyd’s gambling addiction almost got him killed as a poker game left him owing a fellow inmate $800. Erica stealing the watch to help pay his debt wasn’t nearly as surprising as Shea standing up for him in prison. The entire scene left me wondering why Shea’s in prison and how much time he’s done. He’s not a big guy but he had the intimidation thing down cold. Was it all a con or would he have been willing to follow through on his threats?

It was great the way Charlie stood up for Ray but since the FBI agent was such an ass, it probably felt good to push back, literally. I kept wondering if the rest of the team got wind of the agent making cracks about Ray being a thief? They didn’t seem to but it is only a matter of time before they figure it out. That should make things very interesting.

We got to meet Ray’s teenage daughter, Theresa. It looked like the only people pulling for Ray to turn his life around are his daughter and Julianne. The picture his daughter sent of him receiving a medal with the note “Remember” was a touching moment.

On the final scene, I love the fact that the cons now care for each other. By this I think, they can work together more effectively.

Finally, what is evident on this episode is that the show trying to dig deeper into the character’s historical background and of course their family. But still the question remains on Lloyd’s crime on why he was in a maximum security prison before? And his mom appears to be mysterious as well, especially on Lloyd’s words that he is disappointed with his mom’s choice.

You can check Breakout Kings Season 1 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.