Home » Pretty Little Liars, TV Series Spoilers » Pretty Little Liars Season 2 Spoiler: Black Swan and Musical Episode

Aside from the shirtless Ezra craze and the hunt for A, there are other reasons which can make Pretty Little Liars fans go more crazy. Check the spoiler below with creator Marlene King from E! News.

“We’ve actually thought about doing a Black Swan episode because three out of the four Pretty Little Liars are ballet dancers. We’re thinking of maybe incorporating that into the show.”

The gals “also all sing,” King says, hinting that PLL could be the next series to air a musical episode.

How would Shay Mitchell feel about that? “Love it. I love dancing, so why not?! Let’s do all three: acting, singing and dancing!”

Lucy Hale concurs: “I sang on the show last season, so it would be awesome. Actually, all the girls have really nice voices. We’re going to Glee it up on Pretty Little Liars!”

So what can you say about this possibility?

You can check Pretty Little Liars Season 2 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.