Home » Body of Proof, TV Series Reviews » Body of Proof Season 1 Episode 2 Review & Watch: Letting Go

This week’s special episode of Body of Proof titled “Letting Go” involves heartbreaking stories and plenty of twists which really made the episode unpredictable. What do we mean by this? Read below.

TV Fanatic: When a couple’s shot to death in their car, the theories abound. Was it a murder-suicide or an act of hatred against an interracial couple? Could it have been her arrogant ex-boyfriend or his employer trying to stop him from blowing the whistle?

There were plenty of twists and turns that kept me guessing throughout the hour.

Any one of these theories seemed perfectly plausible. The best part was that I really wanted a couple of them to be true. How wonderful would it have been to see Brian, Linda’s bad tempered, control freak of an ex hauled away in cuffs? And the looks that racist Eric Singleton was shooting Detective Baker were positively evil.

In the end the actual murder was both sad and shocking and yet the thought had crossed my mind at the start of the episode. I dismissed it believing that the parents honestly seemed to love their daughter very much. Unfortunately, the father couldn’t let go.

He kept relaying the story of how he taught his daughter to walk again after her accident. It was as though he wanted to keep her as a child who needed him and not a grown woman able to make her own decisions.

When Linda chose to marry a man that Daddy didn’t approve of the results were tragic. Dad said he only wanted to scare David and Linda, that he never intended to hurt anyone. Regrettably, the odds of someone getting hurt increased dramatically when he brought along a loaded weapon. The results were both chilling and heartbreaking.

I also appreciated that Megan and the detectives worked more as a team this time than as adversaries. It showed that Megan could be excellent at her job without going rogue every week.

We got to know more about the cast of characters in Megan’s office and Curtis was the standout. Last week Megan questioned Curtis’ abilities as a doctor. This week, Curtis not only proved her wrong but turned out to be the much needed comic relief delivering some of the best lines of the night.

Visiting Megan’s personal life we found Lacey feeling as though her Mom was suddenly holding on too tight after years of not holding on at all. Lacey felt smothered and Megan didn’t understand her daughter’s need for space.

Peter was correct.  Megan’s brilliant when it comes to reading dead bodies and lousy when it comes to reading the living. Perhaps Megan’s new career has taught her that her tomorrows are limited. Unfortunately, time is what it will take to repair her relationship with her daughter.

This episode of Body of Proof made me want more. Luckily, episode 3 titled “Helping Hand” airs on April 5. I hope the next episode will be good as well.

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