Home » Being Human, TV Series Reviews » Being Human Season 1 Episode 12 Review & Watch: You’re the One That I Haunt

Episode 12 of Being Human “You’re the One That I Haunt” did a very good job on its opening scene. I love it up to, I guess, the first 15 minutes then the rest became so ordinary. But overall it is a good pre-season finale episode.

TV Fanatic: When Sally slit Danny’s throat, I thought she was turning her Grudgy self on and off at will. Instead, her attempt to control his destiny as he did hers brought her back to herself. It’s too bad, though, as she was a lot of fun with the Grudge appeal.  Having an agenda, wanting Danny to die gave her a purpose, and that was lacking one for a while. A vengeful ghost is an entertaining ghost.
The look on Sally’s face when Danny visited the house to taunt and kill her went from hatred to almost sadness as she realized just what a dirtbag he was. Hope is a human emotion that won’t let go even when you think you have experienced the worst in someone. My wish for her was that she could have escaped the realization of why she ended up where she did.

So we reached the end of Sally’s journey and a door appeared. Bishop staunched the flow of her soul’s trip through it for now. I wonder, if she doesn’t go through, will she need a new reason to get another chance to open it? Does it work like the old video game The Myst? For every puzzle you solve, another will be placed in your path until you finally step through? More importantly, while we wait, will she stay fun and ghostly or become dull again?

The flashbacks are so fun and the incredibly groovy 70s look worked remarkably well for both Aidan and Bishop. They reminded me of Starsky and Hutch (aging myself, I realize). They did such a great job, I wouldn’t mind an entire episode set in the past.

In spite of the fun I was having with the flashbacks, I missed why Bishop was after Celine. Was it still just to keep Aidan to himself? How many years will Bishop count on only Aidan for, well, everything? There is obviously a lot more of their relationship to be revealed, and if they keep flashing back in time I’m going to enjoy every minute of the discovery.

In almost every vampire story there is a girl who wants to be turned and isn’t. It’s not very often we get to see what happens to that woman later in life. The Celine who will live forever on Aidan’s chest as a tattoo had a beautiful life and a family. Given the chance for everlasting life, she chose to live her destiny instead. What a lovely character for Aidan’s tattoo to be based upon. As she was living her last days, she still wished for Aidan to find again what they had when they were younger. Overall, I’m not a tattoo lover, but his is not one I would regret.

Finally, we found out what happens when a werewolf impregnates his woman; she will have a shorter term pregnancy. It seems to be going at double the speed of a normal pregnancy, and if that’s the worse that happens, at least during this phase, what a relief!

I hope next week’s season finale of Being Human starts with a bang and continues the same up to the end. Just my wish. How about you?

You can check other Being Human Season 1 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.