Home » Gossip Girl, TV Series Spoilers » Gossip Girl Season 4 Spoiler: Blair Will Get Engaged

Hey Gossip Girl fanatics! I know you are all bored with the very long hiatus of Gossip Girl. So to spice things up, let me share a very interesting spoiler below.

So last we left Gossip Girl’s Queen B, her and Dan were getting their kiss on. But we just got word that someone may like Blair so much that he’ll put a ring on it. Need I say more, so go on.. check out the spoiler!

Question: Any news on Dan/Blair storyline on Gossip Girl? I’m dying here. The hiatus is killing me.
Ausiello: Allow me to add to your agony: At some point before the end of the season, Blair will get engaged.

So what can you say about this spoiler? I bet it makes you more excited!

You can check other Gossip Girl Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.