Home » Bones, TV Series Spoilers » Bones Season 6 Spoiler: Return of Daisy, Max and Caroline

We all know that Bones is having a short hiatus right now. So to satisfy your weekly Bones needs, below are some spoilers that will surely make the succeeding episodes interesting. Read them all below.

Are there any plans for annoying squintern Daisy (Carla Gallo) to return? I know she is one of the leads for a new pilot on the CW. Personally, I hope she doesn’t come back, Sweets deserves much better. Question number two is, please say that Hogdela’s baby won’t die. I know Stephen Nathan said that in the Blackout in the Blizzard that the expecting couple will receive bad news about the baby. Thanks for listening! — Shayna M.

Maybe this will help heal your bones (pause for polite laughter)… first, Daisy will be back before the end of the season, as executive producer Stephan Nathan told me last week. Beyond that, there’s really no telling. As for the baby, I know it will be a blow to the couple. My gut tells me, however, that it will ultimately bring them closer together and make for some truly unforgettable Hogela moments. And I’m sorry if none of that helped ease your pain. Try Advil.

Is Max going to be coming back for the end of the season on Bones? The best episode this season was the one without Hanna, and with Max and Caroline. Caroline is great! Everyone should be have a Caroline in their lives! Please it’s my birthday! — Deirdre
Good news, birthday girl. Caroline (Patricia Belcher) will definitely be back “a few more times this year,” according to Nathan. As for Max (Ryan O’Neal), he said they’re “hoping” for a return, but it is still in the works. If I had to guess, they’re doing the schedule tango.

So what do you think of these spoilers? Too many returnees huh!

You can check other Bones Season 6 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.