Home » TV Series Reviews » Hellcats Season 1 Episode 15 Review & Watch: God Must Have My Fortune Laid Away

This week’s episode of Hellcats, “God Must Have My Fortune Laid Away,” is all about legal case, party, arms-baring,… and toga?

By the end of the hour, the drama with Travis and Jake came to a close. Throughout the season, we have seen this story build, but I expected a little more to its conclusion. It was slightly far-fetched, with Jake having all these amenities in his cell and Bill Marsh resigning without a fight, but it was time for this drama to come to an end. On to the next one.

Elsewhere, we were treated to another stellar performance from Heather Hemmens (Alice). At first glance, this character comes off as pretty one dimensional. Fortunately, the writers have done an excellent job adding layers to Alice and making her someone for whom you want to root.

The freshman series is much like the character of Alice in that way. Many were skeptical about the combination of cheerleading and law. Over the course of the past few months, though, the writers have found a way to add depth and intertwine these worlds in an interesting manner.

Now that the major arc has completed, there’s room for the secondary characters stories to play out. There’s pregnant Charlotte; the ever-growing chemistry between Red and Vanessa; and Nationals ahead of us. Here’s hoping that the second half of the season will please just as much as the first.

Talk about the first chapter of Hellcats drama, this week’s episode just ended it. So what can we expect from the next episode?

You can also check Hellcats Season 1 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.