Home » Being Human, TV Series Reviews » Being Human Season 1 Episode 5 Review & Watch: The End of the World As We Knew It

Talk about losing something that the characters were holding. Such event occurred on this week’s episode of Being Human “The End of the World As We Knew It.”

TV Fanatic: Aidan discovers a priest working at the hospital is actually a vampire, newly recruited by Bishop to use his access at the facility as a literal breeding ground for new vampires.

If you think about it, what better place to recruit than at a hospital, when so many people are faced with death. If you were on death’s door, and someone offered you eternal “salvation,” would it really be an easy choice? So close to the end, do you trust in God or do you trust in the living being right in front of you?

In the eyes of Priest, you would have thought the answer to be simple, instead he realized just as he was to die that there was no afterlife, and given the chance to be a vampire he took it.

In justifying his decision to Aidan, he goes to far as to suggest that Jesus himself may have been a vampire… after all, he returned from the dead in such a way that he was able to justify his decision through his faith.

It was really a freaky moment, and I can’t imagine what the faithful were thinking while watching that scene. Our Aidan, however, was having none of it. When he refuses to leave the hospital, Aidan does the only thing he can to stop him without killing him; he bashes his teeth out. Who knew a vampire’s fangs couldn’t be healed?

Meanwhile, the true nature of Danny who, frankly, has never been accepted by the viewers of Being Human, is revealed. He’s always been skittish, and now we know why. He was an abuser. Maybe not physically, but his temper lead to Sally’s death. A part of her knew the plumbing was involved, and clogging it was her ghostly way of trying to trigger her memory of her death.

After she loses her ring down the sink, Danny goes on a rampage, accusing her of cheating and eventually pushing her hard enough she falls down the stairs to her death.

Showing how close the unlikely roommates have become, Aidan immediately wants to avenge her death, but Sally doesn’t want to use that method to bring Danny down.

Josh is dealing with Ray, and realizing what a pack mentality could mean to him. He would have never done what he did to the vampires without the egging on of Ray. Josh doesn’t want to give in to the wolf inside of him, and wants to maintain as much of a normal life as is possible. When he tries to disengage himself from Ray, Ray admits to being the one who turned Josh into the werewolf he has become. Sam Huntington pulled off the scene beautifully, trying to scream his rage in between tears and with such an incredible range of emotion, I was near tears. The usual happy go lucky Josh expressed his inner turmoil with such effectiveness, it brought a whole new dimension to his character and the pain he feels at who he has become.

A few things hit me. Danny and Claire went from fighting their feelings for each other to being displayed prominently in affectionate photos all over Danny’s apartment. What has the timeline been in the four episodes we’ve seen so far? It’s hard to tell, but it must be whizzing by at a fairly rapid pace.

Sally tearing to shreds Danny’s apartment was a perfect vengeance, and I hope it brings to her friend the nudge she needs to see him for what he truly is before she, too, gets hurt.

What was with the self-satisfied smirk on Bishops face after the priest went to him for help. I know if was aimed at Aidan, but for the life of me I cannot figure out his intentions for him. It’s almost as if he likes Aidan in the role of wayward child.

Bringing it all together at the end with Josh cooking dinner for his roommates, in spite of the fact they don’t really eat was just perfect. I felt bad that Sally couldn’t even taste it, because those beans looks heavenly. So it seems they may be getting back to the business of Being Human next week, after the loss of so much baggage.

I can’t wait to see the next episode .

So what do you think will happen next?

You can check other Being Human Season 1 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.

  • Andrew