Home » House, TV Series Reviews » House Season 7 Episode 10 Review & Watch: Carrot or Stick?

I got a serious Castle episode. I’m surprised that I will get the same thing in House. So what’s with the serious stuff on TV shows this week? Maybe they wanted to proclaim this week as the “Seriousness Week.”

Back to the review, TV Fanatic shares their insights below.

But the two-thirds of the episode that didn’t focus on a mysterious illness delivered enough laughs to make this episode satisfying.

I know the hour dealt with multiple questions of whether or not someone can change – Chase and his womanizing, the patient and his belief in strict discipline, House and his feelings for Rachel – but I enjoyed it more for comedic reasons than anything overly profound. Multiple jokes were made about the size of Chase’s penis, remember.

The show has gone to extreme lengths in order to depict Chase as a whore (if I may be as blunt as Masters). I mean, three women in one night? At a wedding that was not thrown at the Playboy Mansion?!?

Still, for the second time in two weeks (following a focus on Taub’s crumbling marriage), House dedicated a chunk of time to an underling, giving viewers something to care about other than whatever scheme House was cooking up. I appreciate the effort and laughed hardest when Taub thanked Chase for giving him a distraction from his divorce, and also when he asked simply:

“How is this not hilarious?”

As for House’s storyline, is anyone else totally creeped out by Rachel? She’s like two years old and her expression never changes. Instead of checking her IQ, perhaps House should run a few diagnostic tests on Huddy’s poor, silent daughter.

On a more serious note, it’s typical for House to couch his feelings in terms of logic (if Cuddy is sad, I will be put out; therefore, I must do whatever I can to make Cuddy happy…), which made the final scene of the episode nice and heartwarming. There’s no way rationalize a little girl crawling into your lap. You’ve just gotta go with it and appreciate the position you are in.

So what do you think?

You can check House Season 7 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.