Home » Movie News » Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2: Death Alterations

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A key character’s death will be altered in the film version of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 it seems – but don’t worry, Potter fans, it’s perhaps not quite as scary as it sounds.

Yes, Severus Snape will still see his tragic life come to an end in the final film of the series. However, in a new interview with Cine Premiere Mexico (which was then picked up by HPANA.com), Potter art director Andrew Ackland-Snow has said that the actual location where he dies has changed.

The exact quote from Ackland-Snow reads, “We wanted to change a bit where Snape dies. In the book, he dies on the Shrieking Shack, and we wanted to get him out from, not a conventional interior, but from that kind of box, to do it in a more dramatic atmosphere. We asked J.K. [Rowling] if she agreed for that to happen in there, because we hadn’t really seen it before. We made a crystal house, and you can see what happens in the boat house from there – Are you listening Harry? -, but also the school is in flames…and she loved it. Besides, it’s a very romantic place to die. Snape dies in a extremely good way, I gotta say.”

So it doesn’t sound like the actual manner in which he dies and the events surrounding it have been changed, just where it takes place.

So do you like the minor alteration?

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