Home » House, TV Series Spoilers » House Season 7 Spoiler: Olivia Wilde to Return

Talk about TV series returnees, House has one for you! Olivia Wilde has confirmed her return to House.

“I am coming back to House. This season, as a matter of fact. It is a done deal,” the actress told Entertainment Weekly late last week. “I have been really lucky this year to be offered all these great film opportunities and I was also blessed to have a job in TV that really worked with me.”

Wilde will next be seen on the big screen on Tron: Legacy. She’s also completed filming on Cowboys & Aliens and is in the middle of The Change-Up, a comedy with Ryan Reynolds, Leslie Mann and Jason Bateman.

When Thirteen does come back to Princeton Plainsboro, “viewers will find out where she went and why she left,” Wilde says, adding:

“I think it is an interesting progression for her…. She has Huntington’s. She had a brain tumor and went blind. She had a bad breakup. She’s sexually ambiguous. She had problems with drugs. I thought, `What else can (creator) David Shore possibly come up with?’ They had to take it to a whole new level. They are really taking some big risks this year, which is exciting.”

You can check House Season 7 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.