Home » House, TV Series Reviews » House Season 7 Episode 6 Review & Watch: Office Politics

In my opinion, no matter how good the first part of an episode is, if its ending is not likable then such episode may be disliked by many. In this week’s episode of House, this is the case.

TV Fanatic: Amber Tamblyn made a solid debut on “Office Politics,” as her overly ethical Martha M. Masters could have felt like a rip-off of Cameron, except she has the added bonus of being a genius. She seems like the ideal foil for House, someone smart enough to keep up with his brain, yet honest enough to, well, keep him honest. Or at least attempt to.

It might get old to some, but I never tire of House’s rationale for misleading patients and doing what he knows to be right. Example from this episode: calling Masters out for lying when it doesn’t matter (to her grandmother over a present) and not lying when it does (to save a man’s life). Good stuff.

Once Martha officially got the job, she expressed subtle excitement for coming back to work for this unusual, intelligent man. I feel the same way about her addition to the show.

I’m also a big fan of Jack Coleman, aka The Only Good Thing About Heroes on Seasons Two Through Four of That Failed NBC Drama. He was fun to watch as the political consultant patient of the week, and I can’t be the only one hoping he gets a regular gig on some series in the future, can I?

Can’t you just imagine him as a grizzled detective of some kind?

Even Taub kept my interest for a week, as his storyline gave Foreman a few funny lines – and a nearly embarrassing defeat at basketball. It was the most entertaining House’s underlings have been in awhile.

So that brings me to the conclusion of the hour. First, I was disappointed that we needed to even spend a minute on Huddy drama. It would have been okay to just accept these two as a happy couple for an episode.

But more importantly, I don’t buy the idea that Cuddy would be so distressed by action’s fabrication of that positive test. Is she really surprised that he’d do such a thing? Isn’t this the man she hired and keeps on staff because his occasionally illegal actions get results? And didn’t she tell him when they started dating that she doesn’t want him to change?

Compared to past actions, what House did wasn’t even that far-fetched or immoral. If Cuddy gets angry at House as his boss, I’ll be okay with this development. But if his lying at work becomes an issue in their personal relationship, it won’t feel like anything other than a contrived obstacle because the writers feel a need to shake this pairing up.

Any comments about this episode?

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