Home » Dexter, TV Series News » Dexter Season 5 Must-Read Spoilers

What can we expect on Dexter season 5?

Well, there are already lots of Desxter Season 5 spoilers which you can find online. But wait, there are still more! Aside from a Dark Fiercer Passenger, you can also expect the following spoilers mentioned below:

Picking up: Right where we left off – There’s no jump forward when Season 5 picks up, unless you count the time it takes for Dexter’s house and yard to become a virtual circus of police activity following his 911 call after finding Rita. Things pick up pretty much right away. You’ve already seen some of that if you’ve seen the promos for the new season. Also expect some immediate reactions to the situation (and not just Dexter’s!).

Deb-isms: F–k Puddle – Deb continues to find new and inventive ways to use the F-word. “F—k puddle” may just be my new favorite insulting name for someone.

Masuka: Not a blood guy – Dexter’s taking a little time off from work after Rita’s death, and Masuka isn’t nearly as enthusiastic about dealing with blood spatter as Dexter is.

Harrison: No longer a background-baby? – I think we see more of Harrison in the first three episodes of Season 5 than we did in all of Season 4. And that’s a good thing as he has a heart-melting smile.

Stylin’: Introducing Julia Stiles – We get a brief glimpse of newcomer Julia Stiles’ character by the end of the third episode.