Home » Movie News » Angelina Jolie as Cleopatra
There are two interesting information for today – another Cleopatra movie will be made and Angelina Jolie is being eyed to portray the Queen of Nile role.
Oscar winning producer Scott Rudin has bought the rights to Stacy Schiff’s book “Cleopatra: A Life”. Schiff is a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer so the book must be really interesting. Rudin really wants Jolie to star the adaptation as he said that the movie is “being developed for and with Jolie.” Schiff had agreed to the idea as she gave a nod on Rudin’s plan.
“Physically, she’s the perfect look”, Schiff said. Although there are studies made recently which show that Cleopatra is not that beautiful as perceived by many, Rudin still wants to put a perfect look into the role.