
Archive for the ‘Eureka’ Category


Good shows like Eureka end as well.

SyFy is currently airing what is considered to be season 4.5, while the cast films the 13 episodes that will comprise season 5 and likely start airing this fall.

After that, six more installments will run (in the summer of 2012, we presume) and that will bring the Collin Ferguson and Salli Richardson-Whitfield series to an end.

What do you want to happen on Eureka?

You can check Eureka Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Tell me that this episode of Eureka season 4 is fun and I’ll agree with you 100%!

What did we see? Jaime Paglia and his team finally delivered an episode where buildings and objects in downtown began to float in “Up in the Air.”

TV Fanatic: This was one of the funniest installments in awhile, with the pinnacle being Carter’s “Someone put her in front a a cartoon!” when Holly said he could lick the safe-deposit boxes if he wanted to, but it would be weird. It had me laughing to the point of tears.

On top of the awesome dialogue, we had Colin Ferguison’s physical humor. I don’t know if Ferguson has been practicing his pratfalls or if he spent the last few months watching reruns of Three’s Company, but when he turned on the gravity generator, the way he went down would have made John Ritter proud.

Nestled in among Carter’s antics was Lupo doing her best Marine Drill Instructor routine for the physical fitness training. Perfect flow and humorous insults all around.

These scenes were also a cute reminder of how Lupo was in the first season when she was just a gun-toting ex-jarhead. They made for a nice contrast to the well rounded person she is now.

Is there anyone who doesn’t think Felicia Day is absolutely perfect as Holly Martin? Day has always played the adorably quirky character well. However, Holly feels like it’s completely natural. It’s like she’s a missing family member from GD. We really needed Dr. Martin, the bridge between Carter’s non-tech goofiness and all the big brains. I really hope the powers that be take notice of how well she fits in and can encourage her to stick around for another season… or two… or three.

In contrast, while I enjoy Will Wheaton as Dr. Parrish, he’s very one dimensional. Parrish doesn’t feel any different than his other characters, such as Colin Mason from Leverage, Fawkes, from The Guild or even himself as he faced off against Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory.

The only real drama this week came from Allison having time gaps and memory loss. While I knew Beverly was behind it, I didn’t see the twist coming that Beverly has been controlling Allison complete, or at least took over complete control recently.

Did you enjoy this episode like me? What’s your take?

You can check Eureka Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Episode 13 of Eureka showed us something about dreams.

TV Fanatic: This was the case for Allison this week, as she got offered a “Glimpse” into her previous dream of going into space. In the end, she accepted that what she fantasized about had changed and she already had what she wanted.

I think we all face this as we get older. We dream of being a policeman or fireman, some of us even dream of being famous. While I can’t say how those dreams turn out for most, I can agree with what Allison came to believe: I would not trade the life I have now for anything I dreamed of before.

Along dreaming lines, I’m very happy that my dream for Jo and Zane has been coming true! From the romantic kiss last week to the emotions shared here, things are looking good for our favorite head of GD Security!

Did anyone else catch Carter’s reference to Zoe when talking to Jo about Zane? This was a huge relief after Zoe was not mentioned by name when he explained to Allison that he had experience with kids. Jordan Hinson (Zoe) is only listed in one episode this year (coming in two weeks), and I am on pins and needles to see how this plays out with Jo, Zane, and his previous relationship with Zoe in this timeline.

By far my favorite part of this episode had to be the guest appearance by Stan Lee as an expert in gamma radiation. I loved every second of his screen time. It was awesome that they were even able to throw in the classic line from The Incredible Hulk: “Don’t make me angry, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry”.

The only disappointment was that I could not clearly hear Lee’s comment on his preference to being called “General (something).” I rewound the scene but couldn’t tell what the name was.

I’m sure we all agree that Allison’s 99% threat assessment comes from the device that Beverly implanted in her head last week. Given all that has gone wrong in Eureka, you would think Carter would insist she see a doctor if her head has been hurting for weeks.

Then again, given the tech level at GD, you would think they would have a biometric scanner that would check for bugs and trackers as you came through the door.

This year has gotten off to a great start. I’m really enjoying Felicia Day’s guest role and having Will Wheaton on this episode reminded me how much I loved them playing off one another on her web series The Guild. It will be exciting to see how the mission to Titan plays out.

Any thoughts about this episode of Eureka?

You can check Eureka Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Unlike other shows, Eureka came to Comic-Con 2011 with full cast on stage. So what did they give us? Well, let’s just say some useful spoilers.

Here are the spoilers for Eureka season 4:

  • Fargo will return to Warehouse 13.
  • We’ll be treated to a “special Christmas episode.” It will feature animation.
  • Fargo will wear an “inappropriate” pair of pants in season 5. Well, okay then.
  • Will Eureka will ever return to the original timeline since. No, says Jaime Paglia: “Let’s just say that there are lots of surprises that this storyline affords.”

What can you say?

You can check Eureka Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


Talk about an episode about music on Eureka season 4. Episode 12 titled “Reprise” showed us a solid episode, and there’s no doubt about that. So what happened? Let’s dig in!

TV Fanatic: Music can have a profound effect on people… unless, of course, you live in Eureka. Then, it can drive you absolutely insane. What can I say about this episode except: Power to the NERD, my friends!

I absolutely LOVED it! Eureka continually fits all kinds of awesome nerdom and fabulous geekery into each hour, while still giving its audience a wonderful story. From beginning to end, it delivers a perfect hodge-podge blend of humanity, humor and downright spectacular moments.

Some stand-out moments revolved around Fargo and his killer kung-fu dance moves when getting psyched for the FTL visit. Also couldn’t get enough of him in the holding, cell replaying “Eye Of The Tiger” by Survivor. He’s just so adorkable when trying to be badass.

Felicia Day, as Dr. Holly Marten, was also a blast. Her sweet awkwardness and genuine passion for all things nerd and science makes you just want to reach out and hug her.

Honorable mentions go to Andy and his babysitting prowess (the way he spoke to Jenna made me think of Tom Selleck from (Three Men and a Baby), Vincent and his partying swagger/ability to fit multiple dance song titles into one line of dialogue, and to Jo who took a bullet for Jack, even though she was the one that shot it at him.

This week’s episode was chock-full of Dr. Who references, video game jokes, and fabulous music. I couldn’t stop thinking of all the song possibilities and what the series could have done with them.

Indeed, this episode made me smile all throughout. I wish we could have more episode like this. What’s in your mind?

You can check Eureka Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.


The second half of Eureka season 4 has just started. But if you really wanted to look forward then you should check the spoiler compilation from E! Online.

Big Bads: Tonight’s first-rate episode of Eureka sees the return of the techie town’s biggest bads; a side effect of this person’s diabolical deeds is to sabotage Jack (Colin Ferguson) and Allison’s (Salli Richardson-Whitfield) newfound happiness. “I get to be bad Allison a little bit,” Salli revealed to us. The veteran villain manipulating Allison “doesn’t work alone,” though, Colin told us. “[It’s] a team of people—it’s a whole organization, it’s a plan.”

Love, Eureka Style: Allison’s victimization by that Bad Person and the evil conglomerate will strain her relationship with Jack, but at least Salli can confirm that we don’t have any more love triangles to worry about. “No,” she laughs. “I have no more men!” Colin adds, “We definitely make steps forward this year, which is great.” However, their workplace romance “sort of creates all sorts of other problems,” adds Colin, with the happy (for us) result of introducing some beloved guest stars: Kids in the Hall’s Dave Foley and Wallace Shawn, who, Colin teases, is “definitely connected to Jack and Allison’s attempts at a relationship.” The diminutive Princess Bride and Gossip Girl scene stealer, who appears in two episodes this season, also returns again for season five, Colin revealed. Inconceivable!

Meanwhile, Neil Grayston is getting a lot of action this season in his two roles as Fargo and SARAH, Sheriff Carter’s smart house. Despite SARAH getting cold feet about her wedding to robot Deputy Andy, Colin Ferguson promises, “There is a future for those two. Every relationship goes through problems, real or not—I guess [I mean] organic or not. But they’re a great couple.” In addition to flirting with his flirtation with newcomes Holly (Felicia Day), Neil’s human character, Fargo, enjoys a full-on bromance with Zane (Niall Matter), as a result of being trapped together in a space capsule in tonight’s episode. (Speaking of romance, the boys’ bond helps to reignite Zane’s romance with Jo [Erica Cerra].) “When we were stuck inside that capsule, I think that was three full days of [filming] just me and Niall,” Neil said about his real-life buddy, “so it was really good times—really fun.” Romance, bromance and robomance—only in Eureka!

What do you think of these spoilers?
You can check Eureka Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.



After the long hiatus, Eureka is back with episode 11 “Liftoff.”  With the network moving Eureka and Warehouse 13 to the same night, it makes the possibility of a Fargo and Claudia cross-over that much more likely.

Yehey for the cross-over.

TV Fanatic: I’ve missed the romance between Jack and Allison over the last 10 months, as I was thrilled to see we got to start a season without them regressing to friendship status again (I am looking at you, season two).

However, I was surprised when Carter got confused when Alison called him by his last name at work and first name at home. Thankfully, she explained things to him at the end of the episode.

This confused me. Haven’t they been working together since they took the plunge in the sack? Has it actually only been a couple of days in Eureka since the events in “I’ll be Seeing You?” Or was this just put in to remind us where we left off with their romance?

I’m going with the last one. One of the things you can say about Andrew Cosby and Jaime Paglia is that they do a great job of keeping us up on the subtle story arcs.

Overall, this was a decent offering. We got plenty of geek-speak, some great pop culture references, (did anyone else catch Deputy Andy’s “I’m on a Horse” comment?) and, of course, a whole lot of stuff going wrong.

The most worn part of the story was Fargo being drug before the Appropriation Committee to justify the budget for GD yet again. I think we have seen this with every head of GD from Stark to Allison. Seriously, we could just get a reference to it and I’d be happy.

The biggest thing I’m excited for this season is Zane and Lupo. When he called her “Jojo,” my heart just broke all over again for what she got lost in this time line. Jack got Allison, Henry ended up winning Grace… I beg you Crosby/Paglia, please let Jo get her Zane back!

Any reactions on the return episode of Eureka? Are you satisfied?

You can check Eureka Season 4 Reviews and Spoilers HERE.